Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Praise Journal

From my Praise Journal

~ Mercy ~

Mercy is deliverance from judgment.

Grace is extending kindness to the unworthy.

27 of the psalms focus on God’s mercy and our need of it.

God’s mercy means that we are not treated as our sins deserve.
God’s mercy means we can be forgiven.

God’s mercy knows no bounds.

Our sin is great. But God’s mercy is greater. Our sin is enormous, yet God’s mercy is boundless. Our sin drives a wedge between ourselves and God, yet God’s mercy is freely available to all who call on him and comes with a solid, lifetime guarantee. 

Todays Inspiration:
The Mercy of God
Sermon by Adrian Reynolds
"For His mercy endures forever."
This one sentence is repeated 26 times in the 26 verses of Psalm 136.

We serve an awesome God!


  1. I had no idea that verse was repeated so many times...have a beautiful day Mary, smiles.

  2. So precious! I knew you'd appreciate the journal I made. Great minds! 😄

  3. How does it goes now.....Grace is getting what we don't deserve while Mercy is not getting what we do deserve. I am so thankful for a merciful God. Wonderful reminder, Mary.

  4. Beautiful post and the journal is very pretty too.

  5. We do indeed serve an awesome God!!

  6. Miss Mary, Marty and I just discussed the word Mercy! Oh what would we do without the mercy of God? I shudder to think! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  7. Yes we serve an awesome and mighty God. Amen to that. Have a blessed day ahead dear Mary.


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