Friday, September 28, 2018

Friday Foto Friends

Time to join Deb at Breathing In Grace for. . .

We were out for ride on a very dreary and overcast day.  

This is Sylvan Bay, it's down the coastline a bit from
Sylvan Beach Park.
 I know it's hard to see, but the arrow is pointing to a ship, a very big ship!  It's coming from the Houston Ship Channel, through Sylvan Bay to Galveston Bay and into the Gulf of Mexico.  There is a lot of ship traffic here.  I tried to zoom in closer but I was using my phone and I couldn't get it in the zoom mode.  That's part of  the Houston Yacht Club marina on the right.

We were in the Shoreacreas neighborhood just south of La Porte. This is their private pier which has a locked gate at the entrance.  Residents are issued a key upon request.

Doesn't it look like it would be cold outside.
Nope, it was in the 80's that day.

After these dreary pictures we need some sunshine!
I love the way the sun is shining on this pretty hibiscus. 
 It looks cheery!

Until Next Time

O, Sunlight! The most precious gold to be found on Earth.”
Roman Payne


  1. A very cloudy day but I love that you ended with hibiscus!

  2. Love the photo's of Sylvan Bay, it was almost named after me!
    Have a great weekend, Mary!
    xoxo Sylvia

  3. It must be rainy and dreary all over the world. Loved the fotos..what a blessing to live where you do. Isn't it just wonderful how God plants us just where He wants us to live? Thanks so much for sharing, sweet Friend. HOPE you and Mr. D have a great weekend.

  4. Lovely! So beautiful to see and I love that yellow hibiscus and the last quote about sunshine! I was singing Sunshine in my Soul!

  5. Love the ships coming and going...and it looks like a beautiful place. Love the pretty yellow hibiscus too...they are so "sunny" and bright. Have a wonderful weekend...God bless you my friend.

  6. We see a lot of ship traffic when we visit Tybee Island as the Savannah River leads to the Atlantic. I am always amazed by this big ships!

  7. I love seeing the bay!! The lovely yellow hibiscus steals the show though. Its gorgeous.

  8. I lived most of my adult life in west Texas, and went deep-sea fishing from Galveston -- but never heard of Sylvan Bay. I LOVE ships of all kinds. Watching them can be mesmerizing, indeed!

  9. Great photos!! That last one of the water looks like ice it is so clear and calm! Yes, it does look cold! Interesting!

  10. Those pictures of the calm water look like it would be icy cold, not 80* !!
    It's nice to get out of the house and go for a drive whether it's dreary or sunny.

  11. I love all the wonderful scenes at the beach. I can appreciate the size of the ship and I know how hard it is to describe, too!


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