Friday, December 7, 2018

Christmas Oldies

Hello, welcome to

This is a fun meme hosted by 

I've been Christmassing a little every day! 
 I'm way behind some of you but I've been
 catching up!

I've had this little guy for years...I think he is from Avon. 

Our first nativity, we purchased this set at K-Mart in the late 60's!  I'm very sentimental 
and love my old vintage decorations!

Mr D's sister made these little Christmas houses in 1983, one for each one of my children.  She celebrates Christmas in heaven now, these little houses are a beautiful reminder of her.

Our sweet Peggy made this Christmas plate at school.  She was 10 years old in 1979, maybe I'll give it to her someday, but not yet.  It's just not Christmas without it on display.

I think it's okay to drink coffee from a teacup, 
don't you?

Teacups are prettier than coffee mugs.

Until Next Time


  1. I love your vintage Christmas decorations...and that nativity from KMart...I love old nativity scenes. That plate made by your daughter is definitely a keepsake...I wouldn't give it to her yet either... and of course you can drink coffee from teacups, especially when they are as pretty as those beautiful cardinal teacups. I love that whole tea set! Very pretty indeed. The little houses made by your husband's sister are so very sweet. Yes, they are a wonderful way to remember her at Christmas. love them. Enjoy your Christmas season and memories. That's what this time of year is have happy memories of times spent with loved ones and friends...making new memories each year. Jesus came to bring us all together, and Christmas is the best time to do that. Hopefully it carries over into the new year. Have a blessed day.

  2. I think everyone has a little collection of Christmas that is filled with memories. I know I do!

  3. I haven't Christmas stuff in house but I like your beautiful things.

  4. Thanks for sharing the photos of your sweet decorations and keepsakes. Thanks for you comment on my blog and recommending the Lucado book on Bethlehem. My son got to visit there last year.

  5. Oh I love that nativity, pretty. I am sentimental as well. I have to use all my favorite Christmas things as they have so many memories tied to them.

  6. I love your vintage decorations too and that nativity is very pretty.

  7. The first nativity set I purchased was from Sears and I remember it cost $13.79. Why do I remember that? Times were tight! I need to take a photo of it to save. I even still pack it in the same tattered box it came in 48 years ago. Your decorations are lovely. I love the sentimental ones. Such sweet memories.

  8. I love your Christmas memories. Nothing makes a holiday better than traditions and memories of times past. :) Thanks for sharing them.

  9. Our son and daughter made Christmas plates like that in kindergarten 30+ years ago. We thought for years that our son's drawing was a side-ways Christmas tree until he informed us that it was supposed to be mountains! Oops!

  10. I love your Christmas decorations...thank you for sharing. Happy Friday and upcoming weekend.

  11. All those 'vintage' ornaments and decorations are what make Christmas so special in our homes! Family traditions and so many wonderful memories surrounding the things we treasure!! We only see them once a year and I know mine are like they are brand new, all over again!! Thanks for sharing!

  12. I like all your vintage decorations.
    I think our pretty tea cups should be used for coffee as well as tea!!

  13. I love vintage and handmade Christmas decorations especially made by our children and grandchildren. The little houses are adorable and yes, drink coffee from teacups. Why not!! :) Have a blessed day ahead dear Mary.

  14. Ei have given almost all of my Christmas to my kids and grands since moving into apartment! Small tree and nativity remain!!! Most of my hundreds and hundreds of ornaments will adorn their trees-mostly Hallmark! Love your decorations and your blog!!!

  15. I love old...uh, vintage decorations!! I have a few things that belonged to my Momma that I remember when I was growing up that mean the world to me. Love you, Friend!

  16. I love my "old" ornaments and decorations too. We now have way more than we can use and I need to seriously purge! I love the little houses that your sister in law made, they are adorable.


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