Monday, October 21, 2019

Monday Morning Coffee Talk

Fall is trying to come to my part of the world, we've gone from hot days to warm days with a few cool days thrown in.  The temps are up and down, I'll sure take it, much better than 100 degree temps everyday.  Still looking forward to a cold front that stays a while.

I was puny for most of the week, perked up yesterday and Mr D. took me to breakfast.

Pumpkin pancakes at Denney's, sooooo good!  It was so nice to get out of the house and see some sights and people!

Pumpkin Trivia

Pumpkins have been on earth for a whopping 5,000 years.

 The world's heaviest pumpkin weighed over 2,500 pounds, it was grown in Germany and presented in October 2016.

The largest pumpkin pie ever baked weighed 3,699 pounds.  Pumpkin Pie originated in the colonies, just not as we know it today. Colonists would cut the tops of pumpkins off, remove the seeds, fill the pumpkins with milk, spices, and honey, then bake them in hot ashes.

 Pumpkins are technically fruit, more specifically, they are a winter squash in the family Cucurbitacae, which includes cucumbers and melons. But because they're savory, many people just call them vegetables anyway.

Every single part of a pumpkin is edible. Yep, you can eat the skin, leaves, flowers, pulp, seeds and even the stem.

Anyone know how to prepare a pumpkin stem?  Doesn't sound very appetizing to me!

Around Texas

Meet Bucklehead

Source: Fox News

This 6-year-old longhorn from Rocksprings, Texas, measures 11 feet, 1.8 inches from tip to tip of his horns. At the Horn Showcase in Oklahoma on Oct. 4-5, he unofficially broke the Guinness World Record.

The owner transports Bucklehead to each show by loading him into an 8.5-foot wide trailer and taping tennis balls to the ends of his horns to protect them. 

(I wonder how that works since his horns measure over 11 feet?!)

Until Next Time


  1. Glad to hear you are feeling better Miss Mary. That feeling puny is for the BIRDS isn't it? Denny's breakfast always makes things better. Happy week to you sweet lady. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  2. That longhorn is incredible. I guess he has to cock his head to one side a bit? Poor guy. And that pie!!! I can't imagine a pie that big.
    Mary I have bought myself 3 reachers and want one in every room. I can't bend at all so it is necessity for me and I constantly had to go looking so, now I will buy one and hang them on hooks in each and every room!

    1. Annie, that's exactly what I'm going to do. I do have minor back issues but my big problem is copd...just bending over puts a squeeze on my lungs that leaves me gasping. So anything down low is out of bounds without a grabber.

  3. I'm so sorry you have not felt well. Those pancakes looks so good and I learned something here about pumpkins! I'll pass on the stem, though! Those long horns are amazing; thx for sharing the amazing picture. I pray you feel better. xo

  4. Glad you're feeling better. Doesn't make sense how he transports the longhorn. Poor animal. I would those would be very heavy to walk around with, not to mention running into everything. lol

  5. What an enormous animal that is!
    Glad you are feeling more yourself now.

  6. How nice that you feel better and also nice that your husband took you out for pumpkin pancakes.
    That trivia about pumpkins is so interesting. What would that enormous pie have been baked in I wonder!!

  7. WOW to that long-horn!! I am happy to read that you are feeling much better! I am not much into pumpkin flavored things and am in a minority, I know. Happy week!!


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