Friday, February 21, 2020

Friday Fotos

We sure get cabin fever when we have several days of rainy, cold, gloomy weather.  So, the thing to do is go for a ride!

Of course we went to Sylvan Beach, we always go there because we enjoy the water and watching the seagulls.

Looks like Mr. Pelican is holding court! 

I wonder if they were enjoying us as much as we were enjoying them? They will fly very close to the car, squawking and carrying on, they're begging for food.  So many people throw out things for them to eat,  I've noticed they love French Fries.  I don't give them anything because it's not good for them.

The trees are bare and look so forlorn leaning away from the wind. There's always wind blowing from Sylvan Bay.

Doesn't look like anyone was fishing on this day.  When the weather is nice that pier is full of people putting their hook in the water trying to catch something for supper.

I'm off to the beauty shop this morning, time for a hair cut.

Until Next Time


  1. Love your beach photos and the sea gulls and pelicans are such fun to watch! I am glad you don't feed them. They do get too much of the wrong stuff from humans, and it isn't healthy! They are supposed to be eating fish!! We are in for some colder weather again here...I couldn't believe it when I woke up this morning and it was back down in the 40's and windy, rainy, gloomy! So I am staying inside and keeping warm! Sometimes that is nice to do too! Have a blessed day.

  2. It's always interesting to watch the birds as they interact! Feeding them is really not good for them, much better to enjoy them in their natural habitat. Enjoy your day!

  3. Your beach photos are great but it does look gray and gloomy. We are an hour from the Gulf so don't get there often unless we are going for the day. Might have to get some beach time in when our son comes down next month! Happy weekend, Mary!

  4. What a wonderful happy post. Thank you so much.

    God bless.

  5. I like to watch the birds around our house even though we don't have the same kind nor do we have the sea. But we do have hawks and doves and sometimes a robin or a bluebird. They are my favorite. Enjoy your time with your hubby!

  6. That Pelican does look very self-important! This morning I heard what I thought was a cat by the lake but it was a sea gull. Great imitation and had me fooled for a bit.

  7. Watching water and birds is so relaxing. You captured the scenes well!

  8. A peaceful scene. The gray of winter is slowly fading away. Spring is coming! 🌸

  9. Oh what a beautiful view to be able to enjoy! I love it. I am ready for the rain to stop. It seems like it has rained all winter. I am ready for warmer temperatures and the sun to come out. Have a nice day!

  10. Love seeing your pier pictures. I'm overdue for an ocean visit, even just to the harbor in Lower Manhattan. Thanks for the nudge and have a great week.

  11. I really enjoyed seeing those Pelicans. I've never seen one in person, I don't think they are in NJ at all. Its amazing how alike the places we live are.

  12. Cabin fever is a real thing here as well Mary...all this rain!! We should have beautiful flowers and foliage this year. I always enjoy your photos at the pier.


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