Monday, October 12, 2020

Bah-da bah-da-da-da
Bah-da bah-da-da-da
Bah-da bah-da-da-da

Monday, Monday, so good to me
Monday mornin', it was all I hoped it would be

Good Monday Morning for sure, nothing special but good just the same.  

A cup of coffee, a Bible scripture or two, blinds open to a pretty morning and the day is set to go.

Not that I'm going anywhere but maybe the porch. 

 The plants are still pretty, not blooming quite as much, yet still making a nice place to sit and enjoy all that God has provided.

I finished my puzzle.  I have such a love/hate relationship with puzzles.  I enjoy putting them together, and then you have to undo all that work and put them back in the box.  {{sigh}}  I have mounted them in the past, not so much any more.  I work too many to be mounting them.

Oh well, such is life!!

Until Next Time


  1. Give it to God. Thank you. That means more to me these days than I can put into words. Bless you, Mary.

  2. That's a very nice puzzle, even if you have to take it all apart!

  3. I like that puzzle. I love the little red truck with the pumpkins and yes I will try to give it to God.. I just have to.

  4. Monday, Monday ...
    Here I sit, singing right along. Some things are timeless. :)

  5. you said it was like 90 on my blog, wow. Crisp/chilly here like 50*, still looks like it wants to come down. I turned the furnace on, it got too chilly in the house.

    1. WoW, we probably won't turn on the heat until January!

  6. Ha Ha, it took me a second to get the rhythm for the Bah da Bah da da da, but when I saw the Monday Monday it all clicked into place and now I'll be singing it for a while! LOL. Love your puzzle...really pretty, and just enjoy your Monday and your week. We don't have to have something big going on all the time do we? we are retired!! Praise God!

    1. No we don't, retirement is for sitting back and enjoying all your blessings!!

  7. Amen to giving it to God!! Your puzzle talk made me chuckle. My grandmother loved putting puzzles together and when we had to move her to assisted living, there were more than a dozen stored under her bed that she had used puzzle glue on to hold them together. You are right to not mount anymore!! Donate them!!


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