Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Tuesday 4

 Holiday Time

Hi. Welcome to the continuation of Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4, now hosted by Annie!!

This week it might be nice to focus on December and it's traditions.

1. The 7th is Pearl Harbor Day when a terrible sneak attack by Japan on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii destroyed many ships in the American fleet and convinced Congress to declare war.

President Roosevelt said, "Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by the naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan." Yes, it should be infamous forever. How do you honor the memory of the men who died in this cowardly attack? Do you put out your flag on that day to remember the service men killed ?

We do put out a flag, it's a day of remembrance of so many heroes that fought for our freedom.  My Mother's first cousin, who was like a brother to her, was lost at sea.  She always remembered the last time he come for a visit before being shipped out.  It wasn't long after that his ship was attacked and his body was never recovered.

2. Many people begin baking, buying gifts, decorating for the upcoming holidays of Chanukah and Christmas. Do you bake or buy? What cookies and cakes are your favorite this time of year? Got a recipe to share?

My Momma made Brown Sugar Chews at Christmas, when I married and had children, I started making them every year, they became a tradition.  One of things my family looks forward to at Christmas.

Brown Sugar Chews

1 egg
1 cup light brown sugar, packed
1 teaspoon vanilla flavoring
1⁄2 cup sifted flour
1⁄4 teaspoon salt
1⁄ 4teaspoon baking soda
1 cup chopped nuts

Beat egg.
Add sugar and vanilla.
Blend in dry ingredients.
Add nuts.
Pour into well greased 8 inch square pan.
Bake in 350 degrees F oven for 20-25 minutes.
Allow to cool completely before cutting.
This will be slightly soft when removed from oven.

3. December 15 is Bill of Rights day. The 18th begins Chanukah the Festival of Lights during which the light was rekindled in the desecrated temple in Jerusalem. The temple was cleansed and the light reentered it. The 21st is the Winter Solstice or first day of winter. What traditions, days, etc. have meaning for you in December? How about advent.. does it hold meaning for you?

Everything about Christmas has meaning for me.  First of all, celebrating the birth of our Savior is very special and important.  He came to save the world and He's going to do just that, very soon.  Time spent with family and friends, so wonderful ~ I look forward to these special times each year.

4. Christmas music is being played in stores during these December days. Does it play in your home? How excited are you for the upcoming holidays?

Christmas music plays often in our home, I never tire of the beautiful songs that bring glory to God. A Christian radio station in Houston has a Christmas in July event when they play Christmas Music all day.  I really enjoy that.  KSBJ 105.8 on my radio dial.

Want to join in the fun, link up HERE 

Thanks for hosting Annie!

Until Next Time


  1. I'm sorry to hear of your mother's cousin. So many senseless deaths! My father served in WWII -- thankfully without incident -- but was fiercely patriotic and always put out the flag each December 7.
    These brown sugar chews sound wonderful; thanks for including the recipe!

    1. A big thanks to your father, so wonderful he served without incident.

  2. We have a local station that plays Christmas music the day after Halloween and then on Christmas they play it all day without commercial breaks.

  3. My father served in the Navy during WWII, my brother in the Navy during the Korean "conflict", and my brother-in-law in the Army and my husband Air Force during Vietnam. We're a fiercely patriotic family. We were honored to visit the Peace Museum in Hiroshima, Japan a few years ago. They very honestly admit in the displays that after "a completely unprovoked attack on the United States at Pearl Harbor, the atomic bomb was dropped." So sad that so many innocent lives were lost in both attacks. The senselessness of war never fails to sadden me. Our son has lived in Japan for the past 15 years and we've come to know many people there and love them all like family, which is how God wants us to be.
    I love Christmas music and play it pretty much non-stop between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
    My favorite recipe from childhood was my Mom's "Never-fail fudge." We celebrate Advent and Christmas. The birth of the Christ-child is the entire reason we celebrate Christ-mas. How could you possibly justify leaving Him out of the celebration?
    Blessings and hugs,

    1. War is so hurtful for everyone involved. My heart always thinks of the innocent people who are hurt, killed or suffer the loss of a loved one. We are to love one another, and yet we are to take a stand for what's right. I pray we will always be in God's will.

  4. The recipe fort Brown Sugar Chews couldn't be easier. Just the kind of recipe I like. I hope you're doing well. Granny Marigold

  5. I am so sorry about your mom's cousin. How sad to never recover the body.
    The Brown Sugar Chews sound yummy! Loved your answers! Have a nice week!


  6. Too many of our brave soldiers have been lost to the evil of war. Mary, I enjoyed your answers today! Love & hugs!

  7. The recipe is one I will have to try this year. They sound so good. I agree about how important Christmas is. It is the day the world waited for since the very beginning.


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