Monday, June 10, 2024

Monday Coffee Talk

 God ~ the Help of Those Who Seek Him

Psalm 121:1-2

I will lift up my eyes to the hills—From whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.

Picture from the internet.

This past week certainly hasn't been my best {{sigh}}.  Sometimes life events can leave us feeling down, or bluesy and that's just where I am.  Blues go away from me!

It started early last week as my youngest grandson's wedding was getting close.  I've known from the day I fell and broke my hip that I would not be going to this wonderful event.  Maybe if it had been here in my hometown, but alas, it was out of town and I'm just not far enough in my healing for an overnight trip.  All of the family was there, and when Tammy and Maegan started sending me pictures my heart began to hurt, oh how I wanted to be there.

Blues stay away from me
Blues why don't you let me be
I don't know why you keep on haunting me

Then I received some news that kinda rocked my boat, it's not bad news but it's news of a big change!

I don't like change these days.

I hope this melancholy feeling will leave soon, I don't like it.

Isaiah 49:13

Sing for joy, O heavens, and exult, O earth; break forth, O mountains, into singing! For the Lord has comforted his people and will have compassion on his afflicted.

Because the wedding pictures have not been shared at this time, I'll share the few photos I have.

This is the groom's family, my daughter Tracey with her hubby Scott, next to him is the oldest son Blake who was best man.  On the far left is sister Tara with her hubby James, then the lovely bride Savannah and groom Travis.  Beautiful family.

The groom's parents, Scott & Tracey.

Tammy and her granddaughter Emma.

My granddaughter Maegan and her sweet family.

The Newlyweds, Travis and Savannah♥

Be comforted by the Word of God in the truth of His power and love.


  • Queen Victoria’s wedding cake weighed 300 pounds! The Ancient Roman goddess Juno represents marriage and childbirth. This gave rise to the massive popularity of June weddings, which still holds true today.

300 pound cake, it's hard for me to wrap my mind around that little tidbit.

Until Next Time


  1. I can understand your disappointment. Sometimes we just can't make it to occasions. I'm sure they knew you were there in spirit. What a beautiful young couple.

  2. Sorry you had to miss the wedding.

  3. I'm so sorry to learn you've been a bit bluesy, Mary! Totally understandable... and for what it's worth, I dislike change too. Blogland's not just a place for good news and pixie dust; we're here with a shoulder and a hug. Blessings!

    PS - Beautiful wedding pictures!

  4. I'm so disappointed on your behalf that you couldn't be with your family members all gathered together for the wedding. At our age it seems there are issues that come up and mess with our plans. I wish I could come over and give you a big (gentle) hug. I hope your hip is healing and you're not in too much discomfort.

    I had to go check and see what kind of cake the Queen and Prince Philip was 9 feet tall and weighed 500 lbs. It provided 2000 slices for guests!!

    1. Oh my, 500 pounds for a cake! That is amazing♥

  5. Mary, I am so sad that you weren't able to make the trip to the wedding but it is great that they were sending photos so you weren't left out. I'm sure they know you were there in your heart, as you were in theirs!! I can't imagine a 300 pound cake either!! Wow! Hugs!


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