Tuesday, December 2, 2014

It's Not Much, Just a Little Something

My brother, Wayne, and SIL, Cheryl came for a visit last week.  It's always so good to see them.  As they came thru the front door and hugs were exchanged, Cheryl put this little gift in my hand.  She said it's not much just a little something.  Since I haven't put my tree up yet I set it on a shelf where I have looked at it daily....wondering what's in there.
I promised myself I was going to wait until Christmas to open it....I can already see that's not going to be easy.  I have found that, 'it's not much just a little something' gifts are always wonderful, I love them! 

I sit rocking at night, watching TV, and I can see it...is it calling me?  I think it is!  I walk by it during the day and my eyes lock onto that pretty little bag....shhh...did I hear it say, 'open now.'

I feel just like a kid, I can't wait! 
A wonderful time of year.
Hello in there!

With all that said...With all the activities the season brings...fun and fellowship....giving and receiving....parties....candlelight services...Christmas trees and candy canes...it's all a month long Birthday Party for Jesus.  He is always the guest of honor, it's all to His glory.

 “Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”
Luke 2:14

Until Next Time
Praising God in the Highest !


  1. Love your pretty name with the holly. You have much more will power than me, Ms. Mary. I would have already been in that bag! ;)

  2. LOL! OPEN IT...OPEN IT! Ha! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  3. Oh dear, I'm so curious and it's not even my gift!!
    Have a perfectly lovely Christmas season!


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