A new page in my praise journal.
O God,
give me victory over sin through Christ Jesus, my Lord and Savior, in whose name I pray.
. . . that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you (me) the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.
Ephesians 1:17
Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4

A quote from Dr. Ed Young,
Pastor of Second Baptist Church, Houston, Texas.
“God never sends anybody to hell, it is a choice we make on this earth that decides our destiny.”
Family Update:
Sweet MIL is still with us and sweet baby is still in the womb!!
Facebook Favorite:
I plan to print and add this to my praise journal.
And Jesus said:
Man shall not live by bread alone, but by ever world that proceeds rom the mouth of God.
Today's Journey:
I haven't gone anywhere today, opting to stay home and let the siblings be together with their mom. I spent a lot of Sunday afternoon with her and I feel she knew I was there. Her room is small, only room for one folding chair and her wheelchair, so we take turns being in the room with her. The small chair is so hard on my back and legs that I can't sit for too long before I become restless and have to get up and walk for a while. The waiting as she lingers is hard on the family, emotionally as well as physically. Mr D's youngest brother and sister have been taking turns staying the night, at this point she has family with her at all times.
My hope for you:
Each time you look up in the sky
Or watch the fluffy cloud drift by,
Or feel the sunshine warm and bright,
Or watch the dark night turn to light,
Or hear a bluebird sweetly sing,
Or see the winter turn to spring,
Or touch a leaf or see a tree,
You'll know it's God whispering,
"This is Me."
Helen Steiner Rice
Until Next Time
Live Life Joyously
Today's Journey:
I haven't gone anywhere today, opting to stay home and let the siblings be together with their mom. I spent a lot of Sunday afternoon with her and I feel she knew I was there. Her room is small, only room for one folding chair and her wheelchair, so we take turns being in the room with her. The small chair is so hard on my back and legs that I can't sit for too long before I become restless and have to get up and walk for a while. The waiting as she lingers is hard on the family, emotionally as well as physically. Mr D's youngest brother and sister have been taking turns staying the night, at this point she has family with her at all times.
My hope for you:
Each time you look up in the sky
Or watch the fluffy cloud drift by,
Or feel the sunshine warm and bright,
Or watch the dark night turn to light,
Or hear a bluebird sweetly sing,
Or see the winter turn to spring,
Or touch a leaf or see a tree,
You'll know it's God whispering,
"This is Me."
Helen Steiner Rice
Until Next Time
Live Life Joyously
God whispering, "This is me."
Everything in God's time, which we know is perfect. The Psalms are so comforting. Glad you are taking care of yourself through all of this. Hugs!