Thursday, July 11, 2019

Grape Juice

I am so thankful that the storm in the gulf has taken a turn and we won't be taking a direct hit.  With that said, my heart is heavy for those who are in harms way.  Please join me in prayer for the people of Louisiana and Mississippi, that God will protect them and hold back the intensity of this storm.

We are being advised to be alert for any changes in the forecast.  

I'm sharing a post I prepared on the second of July and never published.

I'm a believer now!!

Last October Mr D and I started drinking a little glass of grape juice every evening.  I had read where grape juice is a great deterrent for stomach flu and also helps with digestion.  What I didn't know is it helps lower your bad cholesterol, something I have fought for quite some time.

Yes I take a statin...😟

I had blood work done just a few weeks ago and for the first time my cholesterol was good.  I still didn't associate it with grape juice....

until I read this....

Grape juice is very beneficial for the stomach. Grapes are a fruit with many beneficial nutrients, two are vitamin C and potassium. Grape juice has the potential to reduce the risk of your body from developing blood clots. It also helps to reduce the LDL cholesterol level, which can prevent the damage of blood vessels around heart. Besides that, grape juice also can give other benefit, such as maintaining a healthy blood pressure.

Yep, I'm a believer now!

I also have blood pressure issues which I'm on medication for....maybe the grape juice is also helping me in that area.

Grapes are used to cure asthma, indigestion, migraines, kidney disease, and fatigue.
(Asthma???  Maybe it will help my COPD.)

It's a good thing we both love grape juice, this routine is going to be easy peasy!

There are 60 species and around 8000 varieties of grapes that can be found throughout the world today.

I am so thankful for grapes!

Until Next Time

Join me in a glass of grape juice!


  1. Mary, thanks for this interesting information! I'll pass this on to the farmer; something so good in taste and healthy too could be a way to prevent having to take medications.

  2. I did not know this! My husband is getting a glass of grape juice tonight! Wonder how it effects blood sugar, though.

    Grace & Peace,

    1. I don't know about the sugar, might want to check if you have diabetes.

  3. So glad it works so well for you. Combine that with increased fiber and oatmeal and you will be on the right road and might not need your statins anymore. Grapes give me migraines but I can drink it for communion without any trouble!! Isn't God good?
    “Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities” (1 Tim 5:23) and wine is grape juice fermented! My post is up as well.
    Have a wonderful day Mary!

  4. Great news for you and anyone that wants to lower their LDL !!! And so delicious as well.

  5. Seriously? Cool. I took myself off the statin. It was making me very sick and it was being used as a preventive, not really needing it--the insurance company even sent a letter asking why I was on a statin as it wasn't needed. I do take a BP pill. I will have to try this, thanks Mary. smiles

  6. Will look into some grape juice!! What brand do you use? Welch's? We would need one with no sugar added, for Joe. Thanks for the tip!

    1. Terri, we buy the Kroger brand, it's just as good and much cheaper. I see where you shop at Publix, I know nothing about them...if they have their own brand you might try it. We hesitated about buying the Kroger brand but turned out to be a good decision.

  7. Hi Mary, I didn't see an email on your profile page so I came here to thank you for stopping by my page and leaving a comment. I hope to see you often. Good information on the grape juice, I didn't know that.


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