Thursday, October 31, 2019

Thank You Lord

Linking with Knit By God's Hand for Thankful Thursday!

I'm always thankful for the blessings God gives . . .

Seven Blessings

Blessing #1 ~ Sight
Even though I can't see as well as years ago, I can still see.
Thank You Lord

Blessings #2 ~ Hearing
Even though I can't hear as well as years ago, I can still hear.
Thank You Lord

Blessing #3 ~ Taste
I love good food, I'm so glad God gave us taste buds!  A good meal sure wouldn't be worth eating if you couldn't taste it!  Do you know that the average person has up to 10,000 taste buds and they are replaced every 2 weeks or so. WoW! 
Thank You Lord

Blessing #4 ~ Smell
There are some scents that take us back in time and remind us of loved ones, special memories, and places we’ve been.
 Babies anytime, but especially after a bath, nestled in your arms.
 Coffee brewing in the morning.
 Popcorn popping at the movie theater. 
Flowers, fresh mowed grass and rain.
My mother's kitchen.
Thank You Lord

Blessing #5 ~ Laughter
Isn't it fun to laugh?  Laughter lifts your spirits, it's a strong medicine. It draws people together in ways that trigger healthy physical and emotional changes in the body. Laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress. Nothing works faster or more dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. Humor lightens your burdens, inspires hope, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focused, and alert. It also helps you release anger and forgive sooner.
Thank You Lord

Blessing #6 ~ Speech
 Speech is the communication or expression of thoughts in spoken words.
I love to talk, sometimes I talk too much!  I love a good conversation with family and friends, I call it 'visiting.' 
Thank You Lord

Blessing #7 ~ Love
The ability to love comes straight from God Himself.  Loving someone, someone loving you, it's what life is all about.
Thank You Lord.

A big THANK YOU to Rebecca Jo for hosting!

Until Next Time


  1. What a wonderful list. It's a great reminder of all we have to be thankful for. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Hi Mary. I'm visiting from Thankful Thursday. You are the link ahead of me, so in good neighbor fashion, I wanted to pop by and meet you.

    I am with you on every single one of your "thanks" for today. I always try to remember to thank God every day for the ability to walk, talk, see, and hear. It's so easy to take those things for granted, isn't it?

    Patti @ This Beautiful Life

    1. Hi Patti, thanks for visiting! Yes, it is so easy to get got up to the world and forget to stop and thank the One who created the world. I try so hard not to do that.

  3. What a beautiful list of blessings, Mary! Thanks for sharing on this Thankful Thursday!

  4. This was a great list. Thanks for reminding us of all the good we have.

  5. It's the things we use & have every single day we so easily forget are blessings!!!
    Love your list!

  6. Such a wonderful list of blessings...yes, we often take them for granted until they are taken away...Thank you for this reminder to be thankful for the "ordinary things", that really re extraordinary when you think about it. You sure stirred up some memories with the "smell"!! Now I want some popcorn..and to go back to my mother's kitchen...oh my! Especially during the holidays...Oh my. I think I'm going to cry...but happy tears. Thank you. Thank You, Lord!


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