Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Abide Wednesday

A message from Max Lucado. . . 

We’re all hitting the wall about right now.
In these unprecedented and challenging times, the enemy of our soul wants to whisper, with sinister intent, “You will never make it. This road ahead is too long and too challenging.”

God speaks a different message. Through his Word, by his Holy Spirit, and through the lives of wonderful examples, God declares with heavenly wisdom, “You’ll get through this. It won’t be painless. It won’t be quick. But I will use this mess for good.”

God is near even when it seems there is no way to make it through.
With God’s help, we’ll get through this—together.
~ Max

Whoever keeps his commandments abides in God, and God in him. And by this we know that he abides in us, by the Spirit whom he has given us. 
1 John 3:24

Until Next Time


  1. Yes, we will get through this, with God's help. When we abide in Him, we do not need to fret or fear about where we are! Amen.

  2. As I commented on another blog-my 40th day in-the Ark will open soon...however, that being said 40,000 Americans died in one month...all we are asked to do is to be patient, pray, hope, and self isolate...we are to be cautious-perhaps that will save lives...I enjoy your blog so much...thank you for the words of Lucado...

  3. I love Max Lucado! From his lips (and your words) to God's ears!
    Happy Earth Day, Mary. Let us pray it heals itself ….. and us with it.

  4. Such very true words Mary! Tough times are when the miraculous handiwork of God can really shine! I look forward to seeing what He does to calm the storm of this situation we all face. Much love to you sweet friend!

  5. Thank you for posting this. Yes, God is with us and will bring us through!

  6. Love this Miss Mary. Hugs and blessings, Cindy


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