Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Welcome to Tuesday4 kept in memory of it's creator, our friend Toni Taddeo.
A big Thank You to Annie for keeping Tuesday4 going.

Today's subject is  pets

1. What is your pet peeve of the month, year, lifetime?

Pet peeve of the month and year has to be politics.  I pray our leaders will stop fighting among themselves and get busy taking care of our country and our citizens.  Pet peeve of my lifetime, I don't think I have one.

2. Do you have a pet? Tell us about your pet?

I have two little pets and most of you have met them.  
My sweet little yappers, Bitsy Baby and Buddy Boy.  They don't like strangers but they sure love me and Mr D.

3. What are some pet projects in your life?

I can't think of anything that I would call a pet project.  I just try to live life to the fullest and enjoy all the Lord has provided.  

4. Do you feed the birds or other animals in the wild? 

We love to feed the birds and squirrels.  We have bird feeders and at one time we had squirrel feeders.  
We love to sit outside and watch the squirrels play and listen to the birds chirp.  

Until Next Time


  1. Hi Mary, I put politics down for number 1 also. Your pups are so cute! I like to hear the birds chirp too. They make me think of my grandmothers who both had caged birds, parakeets, canaries and finches. I will get hummingbirds in my backyard when the plants flower.

  2. I enjoyed your answers today and your pictures.
    WOW, some of the bloggers have such lovely pictures.
    Have a good Tuesday.

  3. I really enjoyed your answers, Mary. We have a German Shep. and he picks his people, LOLOL. Have a great day friend. smiles

  4. Aw, your yappers are cute. I have one of those, too, and she doesn't like strangers, either.

    I just noticed we have the same word for the year. :)

    Have a blessed day!

  5. Good morning to Bitsy and Buddy … what cuties! Love your response to #1; I pray they all keep in mind we're Americans FIRST.

  6. Your dogs are adorable and I love their names!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I am with you! There is nothing better about retirement than sitting out in your domain and enjoy the sounds and elements of nature!

  9. I missed the Tuesday 4 this week. She must have posted it late but I enjoyed your answers and seeing your little babies!

  10. It is nice to sit and watch the birds. Bitsy and Buddy are cute!! I agree with politics. Washington can't just get along!

  11. I agree with you on the politics. They are acting like children. Bitsy and Buddy are so darn cute. Enjoy the rest of your day.

  12. Your doggies are so cute, and I love that you are able to sit out and enjoy the birds. That is one of my most favorite things to do. I think we are ALL tired of politics. Maybe one good thing that has come out of this corona virus thing is that we don't have to hear so much about politics and the presidential race all the time. I'm sure we will hear enough as we get closer to November, but for now at least we have had a little reprieve from that. Although I think I'd rather have that than this virus, to be honest. Take care and enjoy your pretty days.


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