Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Salmon Gravy

When I married Mr D and became a member of the Hutchins family I was delighted.  His family welcomed me and I felt comfortable with them.

We were there for a visit and my sweet mother-in-love was making salmon gravy.  I had never heard of such a thing, it really sounded yukky to me, and it looked yukky too. Mr D and his siblings love it and it was a stable in their house, so I held my nose and life went on!!

I have made it for Mr D, not very often because it's not a pretty dish to make.  I just let him visit his MoM and she would make it for him.

Fast forward fifty-seven years!

Mom has gone to heaven and Mr D hasn't had any salmon gravy in a long time.

  Yesterday Mr D ask me if I would make some for him.  Well what's a good wife supposed to do?

I made it!!

It's not hard to make,  just make a normal milk gravy, add a can of salmon (drained) then put in lots of curry, enough to make the gravy mixture a bright yellow.  Add salt and pepper to taste and serve over saltine crackers.

 I didn't have any crackers so I served it over toast.

Mr D was a happy hubby!

We've had a lot of rain today, sure hope the sun comes out tomorrow.

Until Next Time


  1. Actually, I think this sounds yummy. Since hubby really dislikes curry, I wonder if you can make and freeze?

  2. I have never heard of this Mary...interesting but like you, I think I would pass.

  3. We used to make salmon patties all the time but have never tried this. Sometimes things do taste much better than they look. LOL! Well Miss Mary, I think it's sweet that you made Mr. D's mom's dish for him. I love squash casserole but do not like stewed squash. However, Marty loves stewed squash so yes, I fix it for him. What we do to keep these men happy. Ha! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. Maybe if I put sprinkles on it I would like it !! lol

  4. Actually, that sounds kind of good!

    1. If you try it I would love to know if you like it!!

  5. My mother used to make "creamed salmon over toast or biscuits", or "creamed tuna over toast or biscuits", but no curry powder. Just the basic white sauce (milk gravy) with the salmon or tuna added. Now I'm thinking I'd like some of that, but I know my hubby doesn't care for it maybe I can fix him something else. Oh, and sometimes she'd add green peas to it. Yeah, now I know what I want for supper...but what to fix him? He already had bologna and cheese for lunch. LOL.

  6. What a good wife you are to make salmon gravy for your hubby. Actually, if I left out the curry my DH would probably like that too.

  7. I think it sounds good too! I make salmon patties and like them with a white gravy over them. Not too different, I think!

  8. I'm afraid I think it sounds "yucky" too. I've only recently decided I like to eat some salmon. I'm very picky about it as some of it is just too strong flavored for me. It's nice of you to make it for your hubby though. :)

  9. Such a sweet wife you are to make Salmon gravy for your hubby.
    We make Salmon patties, but have never made the gravy.
    Have a great day.


  11. What a cute post... I've never heard or or had Salmon Gravy --but your pictures make it look delicious.... Bet my hubby would enjoy it too.... So glad that you made it for your Mr. D.... That was special...

    My mother-in-law would make me a Peanut Butter Pie on my birthday every year... I never learned to make it --but hers was SO good..... After she died, I have eaten various Peanut Butter pies but none as good as hers.

    Stay healthy...

  12. I've never heard of salmon gravy - I do love salmon - and gravy - but I don't think I could eat them together. You definitely are a good wife. When we were first married, Jack made the mistake of telling me that something I made didn't taste like his Mom's - I can't even remember what it was, but I politely told him that maybe his Mom could make it for him from then on. (was that mean?) Love you, Ms. Mary - hope you have a good weekend - stay safe!

  13. I had never heard of that, but was fully onboard until you added the curry. No thanks. Maybe I will look for an alternate recipe.


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