Monday, April 27, 2020

The Chosen

I spent most of the week-end watching The Chosen.  The Chosen is a television drama based on the life of Jesus Christ, created, directed and co-written by American filmmaker Dallas Jenkins, who is the son of Jerry Jenkins, co-writer of the Left Behind Series. 
The series' creators are hoping to distinguish the new series from previous portrayals of Jesus by crafting a multi-season, episode-based story. 
Jonathan Roumie
Jonathan Roumie is the actor who plays Jesus, I think his portrayal is one of the best I've ever seen.

I didn't like the way they portrayed Matthew, it just didn't seem right to me, of course that's just my opinion.  If you've watched this series I would love to know what you think.

They also left out the forty days and nights Jesus spent in the wilderness before he started His ministry.  There is an important message there, one that should have been shared.

Still, I enjoyed all eight episodes and hope they are able to have a season two.

If you're interested you can find each of them on youtube.

Bruce Marchiano
Another actor that I think did a wonderful portrayal of Jesus is Bruce Marchiano in the Visual Bible - Matthew series.

Matthew 15:1 - 28:20 - The year is about 62 A.D., and the aging apostle Matthew recalls the remarkable events he witnessed as a young man. As his story unfolds, the centuries melt away and we are intimately involved in the life of Jesus. We share the mystery and the wonder of His birth. We witness His baptism and temptation in the wilderness. We experience the compassion and hope of the Sermon on the Mount. Walk with Jesus through Galilee as He calls His disciples, performs the first miracles, and begins teaching His world-changing message of love and redemption.

I just ordered a few more Visual Bible series, The Gospel of John and The Road to Emmaus, I'm very anxious for them to arrive.

Until Next Time


  1. "Jonathan Roumie"

    I like the jovial look of this actor as Jesus. Made me smile too! 😊

  2. Thanks, Mary. I have heard about this series from you and others and just told my husband I think we need to watch it. I am a new visitor to your blog but will return again soon!

  3. Thanks for the information about Th Chosen. I have read all the Left Behind books and think I will read them again. Have a nice day Mary!

  4. I've not heard of The Chosen, nor Mr. Roumie but I'll be looking for this on YouTube. Goodness, but Jonathan Roumie's eyes are compelling in this photo. I can't define it, but they seem to draw you in.

  5. I wrote about this on Facebook a few weeks ago! Our Assistant Pastor recommended it. Joe and I really enjoyed it and I agree about the portrayal of Jesus. I don't recall being concerned about the Matthew portrayal, but will pay attention when we watch again, as I know we will. So well done!

  6. Thanks for sharing this. I haven't heard anything about The Chosen episodes on You Tube. I'll check it out.

  7. Hi, Mary. Thanks so much for dropping by my blog to "chat." I haven't watched this series but it sounds wonderful. I plan to look into it. I miss my Sunday School class and my pastor's sermons so much. Of course, we listen to our pastor on the radio but it's just not the same. Hope you remain well and safe:)

  8. I keep seeing info about this on Facebook, and really haven't paid close enough attention to it. Now that you've seen it and recommend it, I will check into it further. Thank you. It would be good to see some good wholesome programs on tv for a change. I don't watch much tv because there just isn't anything worth watching, but this sounds really good. Thank you, and have a blessed day!

  9. I've only watched one episode of The Chosen - and I'm not sure why we didn't watch the others. Don't you love it when Jesus is portrayed as happy - because I believe He was in spite of all the pain and hardships He endured! HOPE you have a great day, sweet Friend!

    1. I do think he was happy and had a sense of humor. Mark Lowry put out a song a few years ago called, Jesus Laughing. It's such a great song and will make your heart happy.

  10. Mary, I was so blessed by your comment on yesterday's post. Thank you for this series recommendation! xo


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