Friday, January 8, 2021

Friday Fotos

It's a quiet day in the neighborhood.

I love the sunshine filtering thru the blinds.

Mr D and I picked up hamburgers from our local What A Burger,

and I loved seeing this displayed in their window.

One of my 'go-to' scriptures!

Until Next Time


  1. Yeay for What-A-Burger! It's been many years since I stood to sing that verse as part of the Lutheran liturgy, but I still sing it to myself every day ... sometimes more.

  2. I'm not familiar with What-A-Burger but, if I see one, I'm going to support them! 'Create in me a clean heart'.....loved it when we sang that in church years ago. The songs now are so loud and I can't understand the words. They don't sound like scripture being quoted. Guess it is to attract the younger crowd. That's okay. I have typed pages of some of my favorite scriptures and enjoy reading them. Bless your day. Patty McDonald

    1. I can't always understand the words either. I miss the old hymns, they opened my heart to receive the sermon.

  3. {{{big big grin}}} Thanks Mary...

  4. We had Whataburger for lunch today too! Always good!

  5. Good for What a Burger! Loved this post, Mary!! xo

  6. We don't have "What A Burger" here, but hooray for them! and yes, that verse is a good one right now. I need to "renew a right spirit within me" spirit has been a bit troubled this week and it causes me to think thoughts that are not always charitable. So thank you for this reminder. Love the way sunlight shines through the blinds. That is a cheery picture. God bless you dear friend.

  7. What A Burger is good! Yes, I love the old hymns. Very comforting.

  8. Oh, you have sunshine!! Everything looks more hopeful when the sun shines.


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