Saturday, February 6, 2021

Saturday Sunshine

The other morning I was sitting at the kitchen table before the sun came up, I was enjoying my coffee, my devotion and time with the Lord.  I started to hear the morning come alive.  I could hear cars going by, neighbors car doors slamming, leaving for work or taking kids to school.  It was barely light, but I went ahead and opened the blinds anyway.  I wanted to enjoy the life around me,

The next time I looked up, the sun was rising and shining over my house on the trees across the street.  The trees shone, almost like a halo around them.  I ran and got my camera and stepped out the front door to get pictures.  You can see the sun shining on those trees but somehow the 'halo' glow isn't showing in the pictures.

There's a dark and a troubled side of life
There's a bright and a sunny side too
Though we meet with the darkness and strife
The sunny side we also may view

The storm and its fury break today
Crushing hopes that we cherish so dear
Clouds and storms will in time pass away
The sun again will shine bright and clear

Keep on the sunny side of life
It will help us every day, it will brighten all the way
If we keep on the sunny side of life
Let us greet with the song of hope each day

Though the moment be cloudy or fair
Let us trust in our savior always
Who keepeth everyone in his care

Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side
Keep on the sunny side of life
It will help us every day, it will brighten all the way
If we keep on the sunny side of life

My roses are enjoying an early morning too!

Until Next Time
Walk on the Sunny Side


  1. Oh, I love seeing the sunshine brightly like that. I can imagine the halo just as you described it, and the pictures are glorious. Love your roses too! I love that little song..."Keep on the sunny side of life"...what a great way to start our day! Thank you for this happy sunshine day!!

  2. That is a beautful picture Mary. It seems to me we have had more beauty in creation since Covid hit but maybe we are just taking more time to enjoy it. I have heard that this spring is supposed to be spectacular.

  3. Gorgeous! Early mornings are my favorite time of day, too. The birds calling out to one another always sound so joy-full.

  4. Beautiful morning, Mary. Lovely to experience. You captured the glow. I can only imagine the fragrance the roses put off. Years ago. when I lived in Texas, it was foreign to my nature that gorgeous roses were in bloom as I had grown up in cold Kansas. When people planted roses on Valentine's Day, I was stunned. Texas winters are so much different than Kansas winters.

  5. The trees look amazingly golden. So good to see sunshine.

  6. Those are such beautiful photos of the trees and the roses. What an amazing sight for you to witness. Roses are foreign in the winter up here in Washington State. Love the song too. Wishing you a beautiful day today.

  7. What a lovely image to see in the morning! Thanks for sharing it with us, Mary! The sunshine can sure elevate our mood and psyche! Happy weekend!! xo

  8. You've got me humming Keep on the Sunny Side. Wasn't that a Carter Family song?


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