Friday, June 17, 2022

I Love Quilts

 I'm not a quilter, but I do love quilts.  There's just something so homey and comfy about them, they just make me feel good.

When Mr D and I first married (almost 60 yrs ago) my granny sent us a quilt she made for our wedding gift.  Of course it was the wedding ring pattern and it was so pretty, I loved it and I used it

Children were born and they enjoyed having it on their bed.  And so it went, child one, child two and child three!  By the time child four was born the pretty quilt was very worn, ragged and old.

I have so many precious memories of snuggling in the warmth of the quilt my granny made, a constant reminder of her love for me.


by Pauline Havard

In the little white house her husband built,
She sews the pieces of a patchwork quilt.
Three, she has made, just since November,
All rich colors and fine to remember --
The Wedding Ring pattern and the Evening Star
(Quilts that are lovely, as all quilts are
Which are sewn in the twilight in a firelit place).
Through bits of cloth she sees
his well-loved face
He keeps her company,
and she turns the seams
With a needleful of patience,
a thimbleful of dreams.

“Beautiful things come together one stitch at a time.” ― Unknown

“Our lives are like quilts – bits and pieces, 
joy and sorrow, stitched with love.” ― Unknown

“One who sleeps under a quilt is comforted by love.” ― Unknown

I love that Merica's paternal Nana is a quilter and has already introduced her to quilting.

FYI: I love jigsaw puzzles too!😀

Until Next Time


  1. I love quilts too Mary. Theones that are made from clothing used by someone are very precious.

  2. OH I love this post so much. My hubby's grandmother made us a quilt for a wedding gift too, and it has a long story that I've told before somewhere in my blog posts. I still have it, but it needed a lot of repairs to make it still functional. She made quilts for each of her grandchildren to be given as wedding gifts, and they were made from material from dresses she had made for her four girls. She also made quilts and sold them to put my mother in law through beauty school. I wish I knew how to quilt, but I really don't have the patience for it. I just appreciate what others do. Thank you for this wonderful story. So wonderful that Merica is already learning to quilt! What a blessing to see that skill continue on into the future generations!!

    1. I made a very small quilt once just to see if I could. I was satisfied with it but like you, I found I don't have the patience for it.

  3. I can't sew so obviously I don't quilt BUT I love collecting and using them!! Your precious old quilt made by your granny is a treasure.

  4. So beautiful. I love it. Hope you’re doing well. Regine

    1. Hello Regine!! Thank you for visiting today! I'm doing well, thank you.

  5. I have made three queen size quilts and that's it. I'm not a quilter and haven't the patience for it. But I do have handmade quilts on all of our beds and I love every one of them. They were made for me by a lady at our church in Spokane who has now passed on to Glory. I treasure them. I hope people feel the same about my knitted and crocheted gifts.
    Wishing you a lovely weekend my friend.

    1. Thank you for visiting today, wishing you a lovely weekend also.

  6. Quilting is an art, for sure, and it's great that Merica is getting into it already! Please keep us posted about her progress in designing!! I enjoy quilting shows. So much talent!! Thanks for this post, Mary!! Loved it!

    1. I hope Merica stays with it as she gets older, she has a great teacher. Have a great weekend!!

  7. I, too, adore the feel of olden quilts. While I toyed with the notion of having a custom one made, now I'd rather focus on the ones crafted by loved ones so long ago.


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