Saturday, January 21, 2023

Saturday 9

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Saturday 9: Kiss (1986)

1) In this week's song, Prince insists there's no particular sign he's more compatible with. Do you take astrology seriously?


2) He tells his prospective lover there's no need to be flirty. Are you a good flirt?

Not any more. Living with three brothers I learned how to flirt early in life.  Yep, I flirted with them so they would take me places I wanted to go.

3) He refers to the nighttime soap opera Dynasty. Were you a fan?

No, and I don't know why.  I was a Dallas and Knot's Landing fan.
4) "Kiss" was recorded at Sunset Sound Recorders in Hollywood. Built by Walt Disney Studio, it's the studio where the soundtracks to Mary Poppins and 101 Dalmatians were recorded. When you think of Disney movies, what's the first song that comes to mind?



   I love Jiminy Cricket.

5) Prince said he was "obsessed" with Mozart and read everything he could find about the master. Do you often read biographies? If yes, who was the last one about?

I do like biographies.  With Google, when I'm watching a movie or tv show and see a performer that interest me, I pull up their mini biography.  Mostly it's older stars I look up, I'm always curious to see what happened to them.

6) He loved snacking while watching a movie in the theater and would mix Goobers (chocolate-covered peanuts) with his popcorn. When you go to the movies, do you visit the concession counter?

Yes, I always want popcorn, coke and candy covered almonds.  It's been a while since I went to a movie theater, things at the concession counter are probably too expensive for me these days.  

A little trivia for you, I worked the concession counter at our local movie theater when I was in high school.  It was a lot of fun.

7) In 1986, when this song was popular, Peewee's Playhouse premiered. While ostensibly for children, this show had many, many adult viewers. Do you ever watch kids' shows today?

I didn't care for Peewee's Playhouse.  At 77 years old, I don't watch children's shows.  I don't think I would approve of most of them anyway.

8) Also in 1986, Sears shoppers were painting their interior walls with "Country Clover," a pale beige with a hint of pink. What color is the room you're in right now?

Soft Beige

9) Random question: Do you enjoy pressing the pedal to the metal and driving fast?

Well, there was a day . . . long ago and far away.  Enough said!

Today I'll be with the GLOW ladies celebrating our 8th anniversary.  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone.

Our celebration from a few years ago.

Left to right, Sandy, Me, Pat, Mary, Linda, Arlene and Zephra.

A wonderful group of ladies that I've known for many years.


God Loves Older Women

Project Update:

I'm still stitching . . . I know Valentine's Day is getting close. 

St. Patrick's Day won't be far behind.  I'll have these stitches done with time left over!

Until Next Time


  1. Hi Mary, It is late and I can finally blog. I think it is nice that you have you Glow girls. I watched all those nighttime shows back in the day. I actually recorded them and watched them later since I worked part time in the evenings. Have a nice weekend!

  2. I once heard a woman say she does not follow astrology because she was born under the sign of the cross. 💙

  3. I believe your Glow group is a wonderful bunch of "older ladies". It's nice that you have those friends. GM

  4. I'm right there with you on children's programming, Mary. Biographies aren't usually my go-to genre, but I've been "fixing to" pick up Sinatra for years. Your pick's such a happy tune. Zip-a-de-doo-dah, indeed!

  5. I enjoyed reading your answers today.

  6. I love GLOW and that y'all get together and celebrate growing older wrapped in the love of Jesus!! This was a fun Saturday 9!! Happy weekend! xo

  7. I also worked in a movie theatre, smiles. Wishing you a beautiful day, friend.


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