Friday, February 10, 2023

Sweet Tea for the Soul

Down Home Devotions to Comfort the Soul 

You shall not be afraid of the terror by night,
Nor of the arrow that flies by day,
Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness,
Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.
Psalm 91:5-6

Get Your Goat

There is a certain breed of domestic goat that is known to faint when startled.  At the sound of a loud noise, its hind leg muscles freeze up for about ten seconds and this 'fainting goat' collapses on its side like a sack of potatoes!  

What happens when the enemy catches you off guard?  Are you temporarily paralyzed with fear?  Many of us feel overwhelmed by feelings of helplessness, anxiety, uncertainty, and fear.  These are all natural responses, but faith is a supernatural response to these feelings.  Believers have a choice - to flee in fear or flex their faith muscles.  Speak His Word over your circumstance.  Proclaim the name of Jesus over your fear.  Don't worry about what people think.  Instead, open your Bible and find out what God has to say about the situation.

Faith Check

We don't have to let fear floor us.  Let's take our eyes off our circumstances and look to Christ instead.  After all, faith is what separates the sheep from the goats.

Friday Fotos

Mr D and I set outside for a little while yesterday afternoon.  It was a little cool, but we opened the garage door and sat right inside.  That way we are protected from the wind and keeps us a little warmer.  I noticed how blue and clear the sky was, Mr D told me it was a Blue Bird Sky.

It was a nice day to be outside.

Post Script
I would like to mention, the glass in the first picture came from a set that belonged to my mother-in-law.  I was so happy and blessed to get a few of them.  The family did well dividing her things between them, things that are now our treasures.

Until Next Time


  1. Great reminder, Mary. Our circumstances will let us down, every time, so it's so important to keep focused on Jesus.

    1. It's sometimes hard to do, but if we can just stay strong in His Word, we'll make it to the other side of our circumstances. Blessings

  2. Love the story about the goat and our fears...excellent analogy! Also, the glass with the iced tea...I was going to say I used to have a set of those glasses years ago, and I still have a tall pitcher to match! I always loved them, but I think the glasses must have gotten broken over the years...with three boys that was prone to happen...(or with clumsy me!). I loved those glasses too. Brought back memories. Thank you for this lovely post this morning.

  3. He has brought me through many storms...He's my Wingman.

  4. Beautiful photos Mary and love the analogy with the fainting goats. May we always look to Jesus.

    1. Always have my eyes on Him. Thanks for visiting today.

  5. Thank you for this uplifting post!

    1. Hello Jan, so glad you enjoyed today's post. Thanks for visiting.

  6. Thanks for sharing this! Fear can paralyze us for sure. I've seen videos of those fainting goats. Amazing.

  7. I've a little sign proclaiming "Faith over Fear" ... words to live by! I'd never heard of those fainting goats, but oh my, what a lesson!

    1. The fainting goats are so cute, youtube should have a video of them.

  8. I've watched little videos of the fainting goats. Quite amusing, once you know they;re going to be just fine in a few minutes.
    That glass is so pretty. Nice to use it as a vase.
    Granny M

  9. I've actually seen a video of those fainting goats. It really does look funny! Faith over Fear has become a sort of motto for me. We just need to let go and let God!! Great post, Mary!!

    1. I see a lot of Faith over Fear post on facebook. I think they originate from Florida. I love that, it's a great motto.

  10. I’ve been stepping out on faith and trusting that God will keep me wrapped in his loving arms. I still struggle with fear sometimes, but I am surely grateful that I don’t freeze and fall over!!šŸ˜‚

    1. Yes, yes, yes, keep the faith, He is always with us!

  11. Beautiful blue skies.
    I've heard about the fainting goats! :)

  12. Hi !! So glad you came for a visit today. :)


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