Thursday, February 9, 2023

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for my family. And it’s not just blood ties
but the deep bonds we have with each other.

🎡There's a dark and a troubled side of life
There's a bright and a sunny side, too
Though we meet with the darkness and strife
The sunny side we also may view🎜

I am thankful for friends. They are not just friends,
they are extended family.

I am thankful for pets who are in my heart. Buddy Boy and Bitsy Baby.

I am thankful for health professionals. Mr D and I have health issues
and we have some great doctors/specialist and surgeons.

The storm and its fury broke today
Crushing hopes that we cherished so dear
Clouds and storm will in time pass away
The sun again will shine bright and clear

I am thankful for technology and connectivity. We are able to connect with
friends and family, and even meet new friends. We get to have
food delivered online, shop clothes online, watch various content online, and more.
Because it's hard for me to go into a store to shop, online shopping is a blessing.

I am thankful for our home. A basic need and I am blessed 
to live in a sweet little bungalow by the bay.

Celebrating the engagement of Cody and Priscilla.
I am thankful for celebrations. Celebrating events with family & friends, so much fun.

🎢Let us greet with a song of hope each day
Though the moment be cloudy or fair
Let us trust in our savior always
Who keep us every one in his care 🎝
I know we live in difficult times, and I know that many are going through challenging times.
To quote the one of a kind, Betty White, “if you focus on the negatives, you spoil all the good stuff,
and it goes by, and it’s gone, and you haven’t tasted it.” Try to always stay on the sunny side of life.

🎜Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side
Keep on the sunny side of life
It will help us every day, it will brighten all the way
If we'll keep on the sunny side of life 🎢

Until Next Time


  1. Oh, I love that little song..."Keep on the sunny side of life" appropriate in every way! And I love your list of thankfulness blessings...of which you have many! Such a beautiful family you have surrounding you...that is a real blessing for sure! I'm so glad we met here in blogland! That is definitely something to be thankful for!!

  2. So true Mary! We have to keep our eyes on what's going great and not let the negative things win our focus. And it's always good to be reminded about that sweet little song!

  3. So true...I try to keep walking forward no matter the push-back...

  4. Lots of things to be thankful for. I always say a thankful person is a happy person. :)

  5. Such a great basket-full of blessings. I'd not seen that quote by Betty White, but sure do like it!

  6. My Mom used to sing Keep on the Sunny Side as she went about her housework. A lovely memory. GM

  7. I agree completely with keeping on the sunny side. Life is just too short to not seek the happy things in life and bask in God's light!!

  8. Very good advise. Pets, Family and friends are awesome blessings.


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