Thursday, November 16, 2023

Around the House!

 The house is a little dark today, cloudy skies are making me think it's cold outside.  But alas, it's not, it's damp and maybe a little cool.  I've got several lamps on which gives the house a warm and cozy look and feel. 

On the kitchen table . . . 

. . . old roses are still beautiful.  I will keep them until the last petal falls.

Lamplight . . .

. . .  gives the room such a cozy feel.

A vignette to enjoy, these were a gift from Tammy, she made the turkey herself.  She's a great crafter and can do just about anything!  It's nice when she shares with me.  BTW, this pic and gift are from last year.  Even so, still nice to enjoy.

The funniest thing about pumpkin . . .
Several comments on yesterday's post about not liking pumpkin!  I love it now but there was a time, a long time, that I didn't.  My Momma always had pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving and Christmas and I always thought it to be yukky and would not eat one bite.  I carried this right into adulthood and only in the past few years has that changed.  Now I can't get enough of anything pumpkin!  I don't know how or why it happened, it just did!

Today's Scripture of Thankfulness

Blessings to All
Until Next Time


  1. I really like the scripture you chose for today. What a nice gift that you recieved last year. The turkey is really cute. I think we had our last really warm day today before a cool front starts finding it's way here tomorrow.
    Hope your Friday is a wonderful one!

  2. I have always loved pumpkin...says warmth and cozy, to me!

  3. Yes, it does look cozy there. It has been cloudy and rainy and cool/muggy here too. We haven't seen the sun shine for over a week it seems! But yes, it does make the house feel more cozy and we turn on our little fireplace and pretend it's really cold outside. I love your pictures and sayings, and that turkey is the cutest thing ever! She IS very talented! I am a so so pumpkin eater...I eat pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving, and that's enough for me! I will eat pumpkin bread if someone else makes it and gives it to me. But I just don't go crazy over it like the fad seems to be these days. But then again, I don't eat a lot of sweets of any kind much anymore. Tummy just can't tolerate them...maybe that's a good thing! Enjoy your lovely weekend and Thanksgiving next week!

  4. Everything looks so comfy and cozy. Hope you have a great weekend, Mary!

  5. I'm not crazy for pumpkin; usually one slice a year is plenty -- provided it's topped with lots of yummy whipped cream.
    That vignette is lovely, and Tammy so talented; does she have an Etsy shop?

  6. Your home sounds so cozy on a cloudy day with the lights turned on. Reading about you not caring for pumpkin pie until recently made me think of my father-in-law. The first Thanksgiving after my mother-in-law passed away I offered to make him a pumpkin pie and he said, "No thank you." He explained that when he was a kid growing up that the only pie that his dad liked was pumpkin and they ate pie every day, so all that his mom made were pumpkin pies and he got tired of them. :)


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