Sunday, January 28, 2024

Monday Coffee Talk

It's a beautiful Sunday afternoon, the sun is shining and it's 53* outside.  A little cool for porch-sitting.  Warmer days will be here soon enough.

Last day of January is just a few days away, as usual it seems time is passing much too quick.  Wasn't the 1st just yesterday?

And - life goes on.

In his beautiful book, “I Shall Not Want,” Robert Ketchum tells of a Sunday School teacher who asked her group of children if anyone could quote the entire 23rd Psalm. A golden-haired, four-and-a-half-year-old girl was among those who raised their hands.

A bit skeptical, the teacher asked if she could really quote the entire psalm.

The little girl came to the front of the room, faced the class, made a perky little bow, and said, “The Lord is my shepherd, that's all I want.”

She bowed again and went and sat down.

That may well be the greatest interpretation of the 23rd Psalm ever heard. 

Around Town:

Here is a great new picture of The Fred Harman Bridge that takes us to Baytown which is juat across the channel.

When this bridge was completed it sure made getting to work for some of my coworkers
 a little faster.

I just started a new scripture writing plan.  Join in if you like.

According to Galatians 5:22, kindness is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit.  It's a very east thing to do, 

By showing love through acts of kindness, we can point people toward the God who is both kindness and love.
Amy Nappa
A Woman's Touch

You can be an instrument of God simply by speaking kind words that build people up.
Cindi McMenamin
When a Woman Discovers Her Dream.

Everyone can be thoughtful, and even a small gesture can have a positive impact.
Rachel Crabb and Raeann Hart
The Personal Touch.

Here's something from Patsy Clairmont that touched my heart.

Holy Spirit guide my mind into Your quietness, 
where streams of peace run deep. 

Family News:
I'm so excited for my granddaughter Tara and her hubby James. They're off to Hawaii next week for a ten day vacation,

Hope they have a great time and share lots of pictures!

On This Day in History:

1585 - William Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet" is thought to have been first performed. Officially published early 1597.

1845 - American writer Edgar Allan Poe's poem "The Raven" 1st published in The Evening Mirror newspaper (New York City)

  • 1896 - American Emile Grubbe is the first doctor to use radiation treatment for breast cancer
  • 1920 - Walt Disney starts work as an artist with KC Slide Co for $40 a week
  • January Trivia:
  • January is named after Janus, the Roman god of gates and doorways.

Weather Folklore for January

Fog in January brings a wet spring.

A favorable January brings us a good year.

If grass grows in January, it will grow badly the whole year.

A summerish January, a winterish spring. 

Today's Turning Point:

The problem, Jesus said, is that we fail to ask, seek, and knock on heaven's door; we give up too soon.  He wanted the disciples to learn not to give up when it came to prayer (Luke 18:1).  The original language says we are to keep on asking, keep on seeking, and keep on knocking. (Luke 11:9-10)

Hebrew 4:16
Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Until Next Time


  1. It is many years since we were in Hawaii, but we loved every minute. What an extraordinary bridge that is, amazing architecture.

  2. Impressive bridge. I have two grandchildren who live in Hawaii and have been there for several years.

  3. I love the 23rd Psalm story. I think that little girl had it perfect! Beautiful bridge. Have a blessed day, Mary!

  4. A beautiful and thoughtful post, Mary! Thank you!! xo

  5. You've started the week with an amazing post 💗💗💗


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