Saturday, April 27, 2024

 Hello Blogger Friends!

Where do the days go?  Seems like I posted last just a few weeks ago and here it is just over two months!  Don't ask me what I've been doing, because I don't know how I've been so busy to not blog.

One thing that happened, I fell and broke my hip...OUCH...

What a journey the past month has been.  Two weeks in hospital/rehab seemed like two months!  I've been home for two weeks and making progress with my recovery.  The surgeon told me it would most likely take 4 to 6 months for complete healing.  Home therapy is here 3 times a week and that is a big help.  I'm on a walker but I prefer the wheelchair because it's so much easier.  The problem, our little Bungalow by the Bay wasn't made for wheelchair accessibility, so I'm very limited which means I have to use the walker in some areas of the house.  I can't put any weight on the side of the break for at least 3 more weeks when I see the surgeon again.  He'll take x-rays and determine if it's time to start putting some weight on that side of my hip.  {{sigh}}


He held me once again!

Waymaker, Miracle Worker

My God, that is who You are

As some of you know, I have COPD which has caused me to have only 50% lung capacity.  It's a great concern when having anesthesia.  The anesthesiologist talked with me before surgery and told me my COPD was a great concern, I would be intubated and would most likely go to ICU after the surgery, while still intubated.

Well our merciful Lord saw things different!  They were able to remove the tube before I woke up in recovery - not ICU.  WooHoo!!  I went right back up to my room and was playing on my laptop at 9 that night, of course I was still groggy from pain meds.  That was on a Friday, I was moved to a rehab hospital on Monday where I received excellent care and lot's of physical and occupational therapy.  I was there for 12 days before I was released to come home.

It's been and continues to be quite a journey.


VERY SAD NEWS, our precious little Buddy Boy crossed over the Rainbow Bridge.  It has left a great emptiness in my life.  

You were loved.♥

Please remember to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
This small country has endured so much hate, my heart goes out to the Jewish people.

Until Next Time


  1. So glad you had a successful surgery and are well on the road to recovery! Our God is such a good God! Prayers for continued healing for you!

  2. What a joy to 'see' you back in Blogville, Mary! But how deflating to hear about sweet Buddy Boy ... plus, your fall and resulting surgery. I'm so happy you didn't have to wake up in the ICU!

    My Tom's mobility -- of lack of -- scares me to pieces, but he refuses to consider a hip replacement or even a walker. Now they've prescribed oxygen for his COPD and delivered this big contraption that sits UNUSED in the family room like a unwelcomed guest.
    Nevertheless, our God is so good ... we have to AC-centuate the positive, right?

    1. We sure do, there's always a silver lining if we look for it. Prayers for your Tom that he will accept what's needed and look for his silver lining. ((hugs))

  3. Oh Mary, what a post. I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet Buddy Boy. That's so sad. Our furbabies are just that. Our babies. My heart goes out to you.
    And I'm so sad to hear about your hip. But, God performed miracles for you anyway through it all. What a wonderful God we serve.
    I've been praying for Israel since the first day. It seems the world is falling apart. We had massive tornadoes destroy parts of our city last night and more predicted for today. God is good though and will always provide. I'll be in prayer for both your physical healing and your heart healing.

    1. So sorry to hear about the tornadoes in your area, that is so scary. Hope you stay safe from all this crazy weather lately. Thank you for your prayers☺♥

  4. Oh MARY, OUCH!!! May you continue to heal well. Sorry about your fur baby.

  5. Mary, your post is so encouraging. Your faith and love shines out with each sentence. It is easy to see that your Faith is bigger than your Fear.
    I am sorry to hear about your little doggy friend, but also delighted to hear about your surgery and how well you are recovering.
    God bless you,
    Connie :)

  6. Lovely to see a post from you again. I'm sorry you broke your hip but so thankful that you seem to be on the mend now. Also sorry for your loss of your sweet Buddy. I can imagine the big hole his small self has left.

  7. Oh dear, Mary, what a thing to happen to you. I am sorry. A broken hip is no joke. I hope you find a way to gradually be more mobile. So sorry to hear about your little dog, it's hard to lose a little friend.

  8. So thankful that you are finally able to get back to blogging! We have missed you, and I have been praying for you since I learned of your hip surgery, etc. So glad you are back home, and praying for your complete recovery. I am so sorry to hear about your sweet Buddy passing on. I know you must miss him so much. (((hugs))) May God comfort you and continue to give you renewed strength day by day. Amen.

    1. Thank you for you prayers, they were felt. Such a sweet comment has made me feel better. ☺♥

  9. Good golly! You have had a time haven't you! I am sorry to hear about your hip and especially sorry about your little friend! It is hard to lose a furbaby! They are as much my children as my human kids are! Prayers for recovery to be quick and uneventful! I love those, "But God...!". moments and you had one for sure!

    Grace & Peace,

  10. Oh my!! I am so sorry to learn of your tumble and broken bones!! Praise God for all the blessings, indeed! I'm glad you are making progress and will be able to start adding weight in a short three weeks. Do please keep us posted and count on my prayers for your total recovery!! Hugs!

  11. I'm late to the party but thank God you are now back home!
    Sending a big hug over the loss of your Buddy! I know the pain of losing one so loved...


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