Monday, May 6, 2024

Monday Coffee Talk


Come on in.

I've made it through 2 weeks of home therapy, still 4 more to go.

They work me hard and I appreciate that . . . I want to be strong when the time comes to put full weight on my hip.  Kinda of scary to think about it, but I have a great surgeon who is conservative with his treatment.  He told me that up front, he will give my hip plenty of time to heal before letting me use it.  Even though I have lots of help at home, it's very hard for me not to be able to fend for myself.  I hate asking for so much help, with that said, I'm so grateful to have that help.

AND life goes on!

I have found something new . . new to me!

The Tree of Life Version of the Holy Scriptures (TLV),

 first published in 2014, is a Messianic Jewish translation of the Hebrew Bible (or TA-NA-KH) and the New Testament (or New Covenant) sponsored by the Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society and The King's University.

I've compared a few scriptures with my NKJV and all seems to be in sync.   I think this will be a great study tool and I'm looking forward to learning more about this new version.

Beautiful flowers from Mr D and Rusty!

They went to do errands and came home with this pretty bouquet.

Thank you guys♥


Lily of the Valley

May Birth Flowers: Lily-of-the-Valley and Hawthorn

Lily-of-the-valley, with its small, dainty, bell-shaped white flowers, is a perennial groundcover that spreads aggressively given the right conditions. These flowers represent sweetness and purity.

Hawthorn is a flowering shrubs in the rose family with flowers that bloom in May in small white, red, or pink clusters. Small berries, called haws, sprout after the flowers. The hawthorn is a longstanding symbol of hope.

Today's quote is from,

Anne Graham Lotz

No storm is so great, no wave is so high, no sea is so deep, no wind is so strong, that Jesus cannot either clam it or carry us through it.


Sweet Adalyn is . . .

Just a Swangin'

A peaceful evening at 
TamBo Ranch.

(A pretty view from Tammy & Bo)

Until Next Time


  1. Thanks for sharing about that Bible Version. So glad you are coming along in your therapy and hoping your recovery will be 100%

  2. Thanks for your view of the new Bible and the photos today. You have a lovely home and I'm sure others love to visit it too. Pretty flowers.

  3. Continued strides in your recovery. Hugs.

  4. I can imagine how difficult it must be to have to ask for help and to be patient with your self as you heal. Sending positive vibes ( if such exist).

  5. Well, darn. That silly Blogger ate my comment again. (Trying from my cell phone now.)
    I just checked my YouVersion app and see where TLV is available to download. Thanks for telling us about it!

  6. You are working hard at your therapy, but things do take time to heal, so dont rush!

  7. I'll check out the new version! Wanting to send our grandson a new bible.
    Happy week!

  8. I loved my visit with you here today!! I am so happy your therapy is going so well and that your doctor is making sure you heal completely before you dance a jig!! Love and hugs!!


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