Thursday, August 15, 2024

Thursday's Thought

  Just so ya know, we're talking about bees today!

Bees play a crucial role in the ecosystem as they collect pollen from flowers and transport it back to their hives. Pollen serves as a vital source of protein for bees and their larvae, while simultaneously aiding in the pollination process of plants. Among the various techniques employed by bees to carry pollen, honeybees utilize specialized structures known as corbiculae or pollen baskets located on their hind legs. These baskets consist of hollow regions surrounded by long hairs that facilitate the retention of pollen grains.

During their foraging expeditions, honey bees employ a systematic approach to collect and transport pollen. Using their front and middle legs, they meticulously brush the pollen from their bodies onto their hind legs. To ensure its adherence, bees often moisten the pollen with nectar or saliva, causing it to stick together. As the bees continue their visits to different flowers, the pollen baskets gradually fill up, creating vibrant and colorful balls of pollen on their legs. Once the pollen baskets are brimming with this precious cargo, the bees return to their hive. Here, they carefully unload the pollen into specialized cells where it is stored or eventually transformed into a substance known as bee bread, serving as sustenance for the colony.

Well I certainly learned something new.  I've never noticed the "baskets" on their legs, of course, I don't see honey bees often.


Bees are referenced in the Book of Judges in the story of Deborah, a prophetess and the only female judge of the Israelites. Her name means “bee” and comes from the Hebrew name Devorah. She exhibited the wisdom, creativity, resourcefulness, teamwork, collective consciousness, communication, and hard work that bees are known for throughout her life. God charged her with a plan to free the Israelites from a cruel king. She summoned the warrior Barak to lead a battle and even accompanied him. The victory is sung about in the Song of Deborah in Judges 5:2–31


“A single day in your courts is better than a thousand anywhere else! I would rather be a gatekeeper in the house of my God than live the good life in the homes of the wicked.”

Psalms 84:10

Until Next Time


  1. I'm always so happy to see the bees all over my dahlias this Summer.

  2. We sure need those busy little bees!!!

  3. I've never noticed those baskets on their legs either. I'll have to look closer next time I see a bee. And, I didn't know they were referenced in the story of Deborah! I'm gonna have to go back and read that story again.

  4. Wow! I learned something here today! I usually try to steer clear of the bees so I don't see them up too close. But they are essential to our well "bee-ing". Thanking God for the bees!!

  5. Who'd have guessed?! I appreciate all honey's benefits, but never paused to wonder how it came to 'be.' Normally, like Pam, I try and avoid them as best I can.
    Now I need to share to my friend, Deborah ("with an h").
    Thanks, Mary!

  6. Interesting information on bees. I didn't know about the pollen "baskets". When you stop to think about it the whole honey making process is amazing.

  7. A lovely reflection, Mary!! We have bees on the property where I work and an apiary cares for them. I have honey from those bees! Bees are important and are amazing!! Great post!!

    1. I've heard it said when you eat local honey it gives you a protection from allergies. ☺♥

  8. Hi Mary, I enjoyed reading your post. I will be talking about Deborah at my next Bibe journaling. We talked about Gideon this month. Have a great weekend!


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