Friday, August 16, 2024

Just For Fun


Let's play This or That!

  • Would you rather be able to fly or breathe underwater?
  • Would you rather be able to see into the future or relive a moment from your past?
  • Would you rather lose all the memories you made this year or all the money you made this year?
  • Would you rather spend a year with the same song stuck in your head or with an itch you can’t scratch?
  • Would you rather live alone in the woods or in a studio apartment with 10 people?

  • I want to fly!!!
  • God has my future, so I would love to go back in time for a visit.
  • So far this year hasn't been so great for me, so I'll just hold on to my money.
  • The same song, who wants to itch all the time? ☺
  • Alone in the woods.

With maybe a visitor once in a while♥

Until Next Time


  1. How fun! Enjoyed your answers. Here are mine.
    Relive a moment from the past - a Saturday evening at my parents.
    How about some memories and some money. lol
    Song - I'm kinda used to have songs stuck in my head anyway.
    Apartment with 10 - I would not want to be alone in the woods. That's scary.

    Thanks Mary. Have a good weekend!

  2. Fun exercise! Before peeking at your responses, we answered all the same except #2.

    1. Wow, we must all have some precious memories!! ☺♥

  3. Those were interesting questions, I would fly, revisit with my parents, I don't want to lose either, but money can be replaced. The same song is better than itching and I like the idea of alone in the cabin for just a weekend.

    1. Enjoyed your answers, thanks for playing! ☺♥

    2. Would you rather be able to fly or breathe underwater? FLY
      Would you rather be able to see into the future or relive a moment from your past? REVISIT THE PAST
      Would you rather lose all the memories you made this year or all the money you made this year? I'LL KEEP BOTH, THANK YOU.
      Would you rather spend a year with the same song stuck in your head or with an itch you can’t scratch? THE SONG!
      Would you rather live alone in the woods or in a studio apartment with 10 people? ALONE IN THE WOODS (for a little while, anyway)

      That was fun, Mary! Happy weekend!

  4. Fly
    Relive a moment, maybe change it
    Same Song
    Alone in the woods

  5. Fun answers! Happy weekend!


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