Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Tuesday 4

 A Little Tea Party

 Welcome back to another of Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4, hosted by Annie!

This week we're talking about our personal thoughts.

1. Do you find yourself daydreaming about your situation and things you would love to do if only...

I sure do these days.  Since I broke my hip I'm really unable to do much of anything that takes a lot of movement.  I'm healing nicely, I moved from a wheelchair to a walker, and now a cane. I'm getting where I need to be, just a very long journey.  If only I could get up and jump over the moon!

2. If you are having tea/coffee, a little break in the day does your mind wander off to other thoughts and meditations.

All the time, my mind is always in overdrive.  Sometimes I'm more mentally tired than physically tired.

3. Do you find yourself meditating or revisiting in your mind a scripture, verse from a book you've read and it's impact on you?

I do!  So many times God has revealed Himself to me through, scripture, music, or a book ... He has many ways to talk to us.

4.  Do you find yourself sometimes replaying conversations with others?   Are there books or movies that stay vivid in your mind? 

I do that too,  Shoulda, woulda, coulda . . . I really don't like to have those thoughts.  As for movies or books, they will stay vivid for a while, then they move on as new things come my way.  That doesn't mean I forget; it just means they're no long VIVID...

A BIG thank you to Annie for hosting.  If you would like to join in, just click HERE.

Blessings to All

Until Next Time


  1. Thanks for joining in Mary! I think we all have brains in overdrive lately, yet we have peace if we believe. I think that in itself is a miracle... having peace when every things in over drive I mean I am glad I am not alone in some of these thoughts!

    1. I guess it's something we all do. So blessed to have His peace available to us. Blessings to you dear lady.

  2. Great answers Mary. Hoping you'll be "jumping over the moon" very soon.

  3. Hi Mary, I enjoyed your post. I also like your signature teacup. Where do I find one like that? Have a great day!

    1. This cup is a clipart. Just search for tea cup clipart and you should find many to choose from.

  4. I am glad you are healing, smiles. Wishing you a beautiful day, Mary.

  5. Yes, mental fatigue is a real thing!
    Unfortunately, the 'Should-a, Would-a, Could-a' brpthers and I are well-acquainted. I sometimes replay gaffes from years ago, others have probably already forgotten.
    So good to hear of your mobility progress!

    1. I sometimes do the same thing, we really need to stop that!! Hope you have a happy and blesse day.☺♥

  6. Always enjoy reading your answers.
    Cute tea party poem. :)

  7. I can imagine being laid up for a while how your mind would be in overdrive...all the things you want to do, the things you think you should be doing..the things you left undone. But sometimes God allows us to be "laid up" for a while so He can minister to us and then through us in our time of fragility. "When I am weak, then I am strong..." Christ becomes stronger in us when we are weaker. He is able to show us things we never saw before because we were so busy. This was a beautiful post. Thank you.

    1. Wish we could talk face to face, I have so many instances to share where God showed Himself to me. HE is truly an Awesome God.

  8. This one was hard for me when I tried to do it last night. Great answers here, though!! It is always good to see a post from you! xo

    1. Thank you Terry, sending you ((hugs)) across the miles. ☺♥

  9. I enjoyed reading your answers Mary. I hear you about sometimes being more mentally tired than physically tired. That happens to me when I read or research too much. I'm forever in 'learning' mode. I'm sorry to hear you injured your hip but glad to hear you are healing nicely.

  10. Hi Mary! I really loved your post. I hope you get to be more active but be careful. A friend I worked with had a hip replacement and she was like a teenager. She was very positive but I remember praying hard for her. She was not a prayer warrior. I would be lost if I did not have someone to pray for. Have a good rest of this week.


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