It's Monday and I have plans!
My Monday Plan:
Drink coffee
Be awesome
Ignore negativity
Stay in the Word
That's also my plan for everyday this week, and next week and the week after that.
Coffee doesn't ask silly questions.
Coffee understands.
We're really having some HOT days, feels like it takes your breath away just to step outside. I have been doing some porch-sitting everyday but only for a few minutes, long enough for Bitsy to do her business and get some sunshine. This time every year is when I start counting the days until cooler weather, Yes, I know it will be a while yet, but counting the days makes it seem sooner.
Our crepe myrtle must have loved all the rain Beryl dropped because it's growing and blooming like crazy!

That debris is what's left of our neighbor's fence, still waiting for pickup. Thankfully the downed trees have been picked up in our area.
Grandma's Jew is coming back strong too. I have it planted along the sidewalk leading to the front door. Mr D has to keep it trimmed back because it will cover the sidewalk if left to its own. We call this Grandma's Jew because it was a cutting from Mr D's mother's plant. It was just a sprig, and so forlorn. When Mrs. H was sick and in various facilities her plants were neglected, I think she would enjoy seeing her Jew thriving.
This hangs on the wall just beside our front door.
I painted the birds last year, I think it's time for the whole thing to get a fresh coat of paint...maybe when it cooler weather.
I have been so busy with a new praise book. I sit at the table almost all day creating new post. It's a wonderful pass time, it keeps me busy and in the Word.
Some of my pages are scrapbooking . . .
. . . some pages are for learning.
The journals I like the most are from Amazon. They are 300 pages, sturdy spirals and protected corners.
This works best for me because, as you can see, my journals can get very thick.
It was great to see those in the path of Hurricane Debby came through okay. I'm now seeing the damage in South Carolina. Thoughts and prayers to all in harm's way. And another disturbance is churning away out there. Lord, please calm the storms.
Blessing to All
Until Next Time
Enjoyed reading your post and I love your journal very pretty. I also love the grandma jew and the crepe myrtle. I don't know how you can keep them blooming and so beautiful in all the heat you have. Have a blessed day, Mary.
ReplyDeleteHope you have a blessed day too ☺♥
DeleteI loved this post! So relaxed and like I was sitting there with you having my cup of tea while you have your coffee! I love seeing the flowers blooming and that Grandma's Jew is really growing! I know they do that. yes, it has been very hot here too, so much like you said, it takes your breath away. I am also looking forward to fall. I think God gave us hot Augusts to help us appreciate the little bit of cooling down in September and then October when things start to really feel good again! I love your Bible scrapbooking. You do a beautiful job with that. You must have a lot more patience than I do. I just can't seem to sit still for long to do things anymore. But I appreciate what others do. Thank you for sharing it with us! Have a blessed day.
ReplyDeleteHope you have a blessed day too ☺♥
Delete"Coffee doesn't ask silly questions. Coffee understands." I love that so much!
ReplyDeleteThankfully, our weather seems to be cooling a bit. When I had the 'girls' out at 5-something this morning it was a glorious 68*. Your crepe myrtle's so pretty. We've a couple on either side of the house, but their blooms are more of a 'Jackie Kennedy' pink. They desperately need trimmed, but I'm putting that on the back burner for Fall. Winter, perhaps.
Wishing you a blessed week!
I love the JK ping, they are so delicate. Wishing you a blessed week too.☺♥
DeleteI love the Praise Journals that you create💗💗💗💗💗
DeleteLove the welcome sign with the birds. Cool here today - too cool to just sit on the porch. Good if you had work to do outside though.
DeleteHi Mary, thanks for sharing your praise book. Your praise journal gives you a lot of room which is really nice. Our Bible journaling group meets tomorrow and the topic in on peace.
DeleteOh, that Crepe Myrtle! My mother would go nuts over it. She was the first person to grow one in NJ and it was very hard. We got it from my Aunt's nursery in Virginia and she didn't think it would grow but it did just never like yours. Just too harsh in the winter I guess. I have to look into those bible journals.
ReplyDeleteAnnie, crepe myrtles are plentiful down here. They are so pretty. Hope your day is happy and blessed. ☺♥
DeleteI absolutely love your praise journal!! Now I have all sorts of ideas running through my head. Yes, coffee makes the world go round. And I may just adopt your plan for the day. It says it all. My church has several crepe myrtle bushes around it and they are so lovely right now. Have a great week, Mary.
ReplyDeleteI love crepe myrtles, they are so pretty when in bloom. Thanks for the visit Melanie, hope you have a VERY blessed day.☺♥