Saturday, January 4, 2025

A Little Under the Weather

I've been fighting a sore throat for two days.  It's not worse but it sure isn't better.  Trying to stay out of  the doctors office if I can.  As long as it doesn't get worse I'm going to continue on my OTC meds and pray for His healing.

About mid morning I remembered all those boxes of tea Maegan gave me for Christmas!  A cup of hot tea sounded so good to me.  I choose the Chamomile tea, I think it's suppose to be good for what ails you. 

I can't say I feel better, but the heat of the hot tea felt good to my throat as it was going down.  I did enjoy it to the last drop.

I have a new hobby to occupy my time.  It's something anyone with COPD can do and enjoy!

It's called Diamond Art.

It's little beads that stick onto a pattern to make a picture.  It's very time consuming, but it keeps my mind busy, which is what I need.

Here's a tutorial that will tell you all about it.

Diamond Art Turorial

This is a magnet for the fridge, I think it was a set of 10, all different colors and desighns.

Something to think about from Billy Graham.

The church holds the key to revival.  It is within our grasp.  Will we rise to the challenge?  Will we dare pay the price?  The supply of heaven is adequate for the demands of our spiritually starved world.  Will we offer that supply to the hungry masses?

Until Next Time


  1. I hope you get to feeling better, Mary. There is a bug going around...Sending much love to you. P.S. I have coworker does that bead art. The stuff she makes is amazing, smiles.

  2. I hope the tea plus OTC meds get you back to health again. Diamond Art looks so interesting. Betsy (Simple Life of a Queen blogger) has done some lovely ones too.

  3. Sure hope you're feeling better soon. Tea sounds good for a sore throat.
    I've heard of diamond art but have never tried it.

  4. Hi Mary. Definitely a thought provoking comment from Billy Graham. The world is SO hungry for God and they don't even realize it. How to show them that love without turning them away is the hard part.
    I've done several diamond art pictures. One for each season and one for Christmas. I think they're beautiful and love the sparkle of the beads at night when the light hits them. I'll try to take a photo of the winter one for my next blog post.
    That "stuff" I had after Thanksgiving was an awful sore throat too. I sucked on lots of losenges and finally ended up at an urgent care where I found I had a sinus infection. Please don't let it go too long without being seen. There are so many bugs out there I understand you not wanting to go to the doctor and maybe get exposed to something else.
    Take care and I'll be praying for you to get better quickly.
    Blessings and hugs,

    1. Thank you Betsy. Would love to see your diamond art, I'll be watching for it.

  5. So sorry you are not feeling well. I had a chest infection after Christmas and managed to get antibiotics quickly. Do see your Dr if you dont feel better soon.

  6. Gosh, I pray you're feeling lots better this morning! 'Never heard of Diamond Art, but this looks interesting! I'm headed over to that tutorial this morning.

  7. Keeping you in my prayers, Mary! I sure hope the sore throat goes away soon! Another blogging friend was doing diamond art a long time ago. I can't remember but think it is Tammy, who lives in Canada. She doesn't blog anymore but I see her on FB now and then. I know she enjoyed it. Do please keep us posted about your creations!

  8. I am sorry you are feeling so bad, and I do hope it won't get any worse, but please don't put off going to the doctor if it's not better soon. And I'm glad the tea soothed your throat and made you feel better that way. I have not seen the diamond art up close, but one of my blogging friends, Aritha in the Netherlands, does that and has done some beautiful pictures. is her blog page. You will have to hit the translate button to translate to English from Dutch. I enjoy her posts very much. I hope you feel better and stay that way. Blessings and Happy New Year to you.

    1. Thank you Pam. I'll be visiting Moments Frozen in Time to see her diamond art☺♥

  9. Oh Mary, I'm writing this on Sunday night and hope you're feeling better by now. Praying for complete healing so you don't have to go to the doctor. I've seen that diamond art. They're beautiful! The colors of the magnet are so pretty. Hope you're better soon.

    1. Thank you Cindy! I think I"m on the mend, now Mr D is down with whatever it is I had. ouch


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