Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The Four P's

Hope everyone had a wonderful New Year's Day!!  

I love winter, but not this much winter!!  I know, I know, sometimes we're never satisfied.  Have you ever heard the old saying, "Be careful about you wish for?"  I still love winter but I'm ready for this artic blast to go away!

It's been in the low to mid 30's all day...now that's cold for us here in my part of the world.  Cloudy and windy and cold.  So what do you do on day like this???

Well I don't know about you...but I baked a pie, made a pot of coffee and snuggled under my blanker almost all day.

I wanted a mincemeat pie for Christmas but never got it done....so I decided today was the DAY.  I love mincemeat and my family doesn't, that's okay with me because that means I get to eat the whole thing!  Not really, I get plenty of help from Mr D, he likes it too.

It's been a good day, the house is warm, cozy, quiet and peaceful.

Hope it's the same at your home.

The weathermen here are telling us to protect the four P's. . .

Until Next Time
Stay Safe ~ Stay Warm ~ Stay Protected


  1. Oh my!! That PIE looks delicious! I'm not a huge fan of mincemeat, but I could definitely eat a piece if it is homemade and looks as good as yours!! My mother used to bake that for my dad and my brothers. I just never quite acquired the taste for it, but I wouldn't turn it down if offered! HOpe you are still safe and warm, and that your four p's are all protected! We are also hunkering down and wrapping up. Supposed to be pretty chilly here tonight, as has been the last couple of days. Tomorrow I hope to make a pot of stew, and maybe bake something...although I am still trying to get rid of all the sweets around here left since Christmas and New Year's!! God bless you and keep you safe and warm!

  2. That is cold for you. Our current temperature at 9:57 p.m. is 3 above and our high today was 17, but things don't look much warmer for a while yet...maybe another week. As fast as 2017 went it will be spring before we know it! :)

    Your pie is beautiful, Mary! I'd love to have a pie that looked that beautiful. It was so pretty it would have been hard to cut. My grandma used to make minced meat pies a lot when I was a kid growing up.


  3. "Be careful what you wish for".... yes, I mentioned on my blog and also to my family that I would like a white Christmas. Well, I got more than I bargained for and now I can hardly wait for the snow and ice to go.
    Really it is beautiful and the snow makes everything so bright. I wonder if you saw the full moon on the 1st. Did you know we;ll have a second full moon on the 31st of this month?

  4. Happy New Year, Mary!! I'm a little north of you and we're cold too. You asked what we do these cold days ~ I start out bundling up and going to the barn to feed two calves and break the ice on their water trough. Then I feed my many barn cats and take fresh water to them. I open gates for the farmer. By the time I get back to the house, it's difficult to warm up. But, we'll make it!
    I've never eaten minced meat pie.
    Replying to Granny Marigold, did you know there will be no full moon in February, then two full moons again in March? Interesting!

  5. Oh Mary...I am ready for the 38 degrees we will have on Saturday. My southern blood cannot take this cold weather.

  6. Happy New Year to you Mary!

    I'm glad you got your mincemeat pie. I only eat it at Christmas but I buy it. I don't think the mince filling is available any other time if I did wish to make it myself. It seems to be a pie day today. Another blogger I read made cherry pie and I've been thinking about making cherry pie myself ;-) Keep warm. x

  7. I'm not a big mincemeat kinda person, but hubby is. Pie does sound good. I hope you have a beautiful day friend. smiles

  8. Oh my, my P as in Pipe busted yesterday, my Pets always stay indoors, my Plants are Perennials they come back in the spring and I do try to look out Too much for my People. So 3 out of 4 isn't too bad, right!
    I don't think I've ever had mincemeat pie.

  9. Your pie looks lovely but I have to admit to not liking mincemeat. Glad you and Mr. D got to enjoy it!! It has been cold here in central Florida too. No snow, thankfully, but near freezing and only mid-40s during the day. We had rain all morning. I'm ready for it to be over too! Stay warm!


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