Monday, August 31, 2020

I had a wonderful phone call Saturday evening.

Me: Hello

Tammy: Hi, what ya doin'?

Me: Nothing right now, what are you doing?

Tammy:  Well actually I'm on my way to your house.

Me: Well okay, c'mon.

Tammy: I have something for you.

Me: Really, well c'mon!!

Tammy:  I'm already at Sens Road, I'll be there soon.

Me: Okay, bye, love you.

Tammy:  Love you too, bye.

Oh my goodness look what that girl brought me!

I love it!!  Her and Bo had been to Tomball browsing all the antique shops, lucky me!!

My breathing hasn't been right lately.  Of course with COPD it's never right, but it's been outside the realm of what is right for me these days.  It happens sometimes, just the way it is.  Anyway, my inhaler doesn't give me near the relief my nebulizer does and I've decided to put the inhaler away for a while and use the nebulizer.  

The inhaler takes about 2 seconds morning and night.  The nebulizer takes 20 minutes three times a day.  It's more inconvenient but helps so much more.

Monday is Chicken & Rice soup day at Luby's, Mr D's favorite! 
We'll be there this afternoon for sure.

Until Next Time


  1. I love your new gifts, aren't daughter's so wonderful! Hope you enjoy your soup this afternoon. I finally got my computer up, but...I can't get into my blog, guess I stayed off too long. I even tried creating a new one and no success at that either. My how things has changed in a year.
    Hugs Sylvia

    1. So good to see your comment! There's got to be a way to get you back on blogger. I'm going to do some research, would love to have you back.

  2. That is a beautiful gift. :-)
    Enjoy your soup. And take care.
    Love, Carla

  3. What a delightful surprise! My hubby uses an inhaler twice each day, and has something called a 'rescue' inhaler ... but I've not heard of the nebulizer. Something to ask his doctor about! Enjoy that soup!

    1. Nebulizers are the old fashion treatment, but I find times when it seems to help me more. I keep meds for the neb. on hand as well as my inhaler. I take Symbicort, and I also have a rescue inhaler.

  4. Oh my mercy, I love that sweet gift! How thoughtful and sweet of Tammy. Oh Miss Mary. I will be praying for you too. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  5. Mary its lovely! I am sad to hear your news about your copd. Keeping prayers up for healing. Sending big hugs.

  6. Love your sweet and beautiful tea cup and saucer with room for a pop tart! (Did they bring that too? :) ) Love it when people do such nice things spontaneously. I do hope you will be feeling better in regards to your breathing, and that you have a nice afternoon having your special soup!

    1. She didn't bring the pop tart !! So funny, we were talking about a scone or I thought maybe a few Lady Finger's, then I laughed and told Tammy, it's going to be pop tarts because that's all I have. I know tea lovers must be cringing, imagine using that beautiful tea set for coffee and a pop tart!! It was so good.

  7. What a thoughtful daughter. I love it. Take care and do what is best for you. Sounds like you have it figured out.

  8. Oh, how I would love to have a Tammy in my life, smiles. What a beautiful gift from your daughter. I have asthma, so I can relate, smiles.

  9. When I read the part of your post about being Chicken and rice soup day I thought of the Maurice Sendak book called Chicken Soup with Rice. It's a book I've read to my grands so many times ( when they were little) and you can go on google and listen to it being read aloud.

  10. What a very pretty cup and saucer, well, plate almost! So nice to have such a thoughtful gift.

  11. Joe gets better relief from his nebulizer too, but I have to nag/coax him to use it. Men!! The teacup and tray are beautiful! Lucky you, indeed!


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