Saturday, August 29, 2020

Sharing from Answers to Questions About Heaven
David Jeremiah

I've always wondered about Heaven.  Yes I've read my Bible and studied God's Word, and yet, I still wonder and look forward with anxious anticipation to the day I will see it in all it's wonder and glory.

Please don't think I'm fixated on death or dying.  I am very much alive and living a blessed and happy life.  I'm perfectly content, that doesn't keep me from wondering, what is it about heaven that makes my heart so happy?  After all, it is our future home.

Of course number one is Jesus will be there!!

Still I wonder . . . 

Do you know Heaven is mentioned over 500 times in scripture?

WoW, no wonder I wonder!

Why should I study heaven while I'm still living on earth?

With it being mentioned over 500 times in the Bible, heaven ought to be prominent in our hearts and in our thoughts.

God has placed within our hearts a hunger for eternity, a hunger for heaven.

The truth is we can never approximate all that God has prepared for us in our heavenly home.  And we cannot recreate heaven on earth.  But when we choose to focus on and prepare for the eternal home that awaits us, our earthly focus is shifted toward living a life that honors God and leads others to him.

There are Bible verses about heaven in fifty-four of the sixty-six books in the Bible. Jesus mentions Heaven about seventy times in the book of Matthew alone. 

In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
John 14:2

Until Next Time


  1. We have a couple of books by David Jeremiah. He is a wonderful writer.. and we listen to him before we go to church on Sundays
    "But when we choose to focus on and prepare for the eternal home that awaits us, our earthly focus is shifted toward living a life that honors God and leads others to him." Amen..and Amen xx

  2. Beautiful. Thank you Mary, hope you have a beautiful day, friend.

  3. Wonderful thoughts. I truly am looking forward to heaven...not in a hurry to get there, but am ready to go in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. The longer we live, the more people we know and love are waiting for us in heaven. Praise God He has given us this hope through Jesus Christ our Lord.

  4. What a wonderful promise for us who believe!!

  5. I'm currently reading in Matthew and I hadn't noticed that he mentions heaven so many times. Now I'll be more aware.
    I love my life here on earth but I'm SO thankful that heaven awaits me when I die. I'm sure it will be far different from what I imagine but it will be amazing.

  6. Heaven is our home.
    I've a few thoughts about heaven here:

  7. Hi Mary, I just had a talk to my 6 year old grandson about heaven because he brought the subject up. He wanted to know if we would have the same body. He asked a lot of questions and I answered him with simple responses. I told him that there is no crying, sadness or pain in heaven because we are with Jesus. Jesus is with us and so we are happy. I told him I would also get to see my mom and dad and grandparents. He seemed very content. I think it is important to talk about heaven and even death. Our body gets old, and sick, but the spirit in us that makes us think and love goes to heaven. There is peace knowing where we are going. I try not to think of the actual dying process. I have seen my grandparents and parents die and it was really hard to watch. I try to keep that our of my mind. But at least none of them were alone. I think I am going to get that book by David Jeremiah too.

    1. He answers and clarifies so much. I think you'll enjoy his book.

  8. I enjoy the writings of David Jeremiah. I have read several of his books as well. Hugs and blessings, Cindy


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