Thursday, August 27, 2020

Throw Back Thursday.

Going back about 30 years!!

This was at the bank so long ago.  That's Sandy, the same Sandy that's in GLOW!  We still see each other at least once a week.  I just messaged with her about the storm. 

New friends are so wonderful, fun and new.
Old friends are comfortable, they fit like an old shoe!!

Both new and old bless my life.

Here's an old photo from 1993.
Here I am holding our second born grandchild, Matt.
He was a precious baby and now he's a precious young man.

Here we are a few years ago when Matt was still in college.

Well, we dodged the bullet on this storm and even though I did a sigh of relief my heart and prayers are with those who were in harms way.  I have been through several hurricanes and they are scary and very destructive.

I want thank my blogger friends who reached out to me with their concern and their prayers.  All of you are so appreciated and you are a blessing to me.  ((hugs))

Until Next Time


  1. Glad all is well. Praying for those not so fortunate.

  2. So glad to hear the storms missed you.

  3. Love you sweet friend!! I always enjoy your posts and so glad you were sparred from this storm. Keeping in prayer.

  4. Big whew! Love the 'then and now' images of you and your handsome grandson!

  5. Glad you and yours are okay. I've been thinking about you!! Thanks for letting us know.

  6. So thankful to know that the storm missed you guys. That is definitely an answer to prayer. Still praying for those who were not so fortunate. It looks like it was a bad one. Love your were (and still are) so cute! And so is your grandson!

  7. We both have pictures with a grandson this week. I love it.
    I'm so glad you're okay and the storm missed you.


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