Thursday, August 18, 2022

Thankful Thursday

Mr D and I enjoyed a peaceful day yesterday, nothing much happening.  A new house is being built across the street and I enjoy watching the progress from my front window.   I feel sorry for the workers because it's so hot outside.  Many of them wore big brim hats and long sleeve shirts to protect them from the sun.  Thankfully there are several big trees close by so they do have some shade during the day.

I  am very thankful for such a pleasant day.

Drawing a picture of Jesus

A kindergarten teacher was walking around her classroom while her students drew pictures. One little girl was scribbling so intently that the teacher asked what she was drawing. The little girl replied, “I’m drawing a picture of Jesus.” The teacher said, “Oh honey, nobody really knows for sure what Jesus looked like.” The little girl, without missing a beat, responded, “They will in a minute.”

I'm very thankful for laughter, it makes me feel good.

“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.”
Proverbs 17:22

Merica Update:

First day of school is hard work, she didn't last long when she got home.  The little red spot on her cheek is a sticker from her teacher for being good.

I am so thankful for my grandchildren, they surely bless my heart.

Until Next Time


  1. I do remember the first days back at school!

  2. Oh how precious. I bet that was a long day for Merica, but I bet she had fun. And I love the story about the little girl drawing Jesus! So sweet. What fun that you will have some new neighbors! I hope they will be really sweet/good neighbors. We have a lot across the street from us that they keep working on and we keep waiting to see when a new house (manufactured) will arrive, but it's been going on for a while. There's a lot of red tape and inspections and delays in the housing industry these days. I keep praying for good new neighbors too. You should take some pictures. That would be fun to see. But yes, it is too hot to be out there working. I agree!!! Have a blessed rest of your week.

  3. So sweet...I'm glad Merica had a good first day,

  4. Starting school can be very tiring for little ones. It seems like just last year that Merica was born and here she is a school girl already.

  5. I can't imagine working outside in heat like we've been in for weeks now. Sweet little Merica. She must have had a very, very busy day at school. Piper has been loving it this week. And I agree wholeheartedly. Grandchildren make my heart sing. The story of the Jesus picture gave me a big smile. Someday everyone WILL definitely know what He looks like

  6. Love the story about the drawing of Jesus! Laughed out loud. Your lil one is extra sweet. School is hard work and a nap is in order for sure.

  7. Hope everything is going well with you and Mr. D. I miss your postings. You inspire me.



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