Sunday, September 3, 2023

Tuesday 4



Seeing ahead
Welcome back friends!

A wise man once said that most people fall into their lives.   They don't plan and carry out what they would like to do, they just fall into things through circumstances.      Others plan and prepare for life.  They know the kind of person they want to spend their life with, the kind of family, home  or job they wish to have and make a concerted effort to follow through.  

So what about you?

1. Did you plan to be where you are right now in life or did you just end up where you are?

I didn't have a plan so to speak.  I knew I would leave home one day, whether married or going to work to support myself.

2. What plans did you make for your future and what plans do you have for the future now or are you just marking time?

I met Mr D at a very young age, and it was love at first sight.  I guess we just fell into life, and it's been a great life.

3.  Do you live where you want to live or would you have done things differently when planning where to live?

This is hard for me, I would love to live in a cooler climate and rolling hills to enjoy.  With that said, I would never leave here, it's more than home, it's a lifetime, it's memories.

4.  What is planned for this coming Autumn? 

    - trips or plans with family or friends?J
    - vacations?
    - holiday plans?\
     -Reading list?
No special plans other than being with family during the holidays. With my health issues it's hard to travel, it's okay because I'm not much of a traveler anyway. I enjoy being at home.

If you would like to join in the fun of Tuesday 4, just click HERE.

Thank you Annie for hosting♥

Blessings to All
Until Next Time


  1. It's a blessing that you didn't have a plan but you met a good husband and had a good life. May God continue blessing you in your current location anad home.

  2. Very few "stay true to their plan...", Not so easy to do.
    Loved your answers!

  3. I understand about memories and lifetime. My children are here. Many places are cheaper but, this is home. I envisioned a different life in a way but, things didn't turn out the way I would have wanted in some ways. Thanks for joining in.

  4. Hi Deanna here from I liked your post today. I think I am one of those peeps who makes an effort as I go. For some reason I cannot get my comment name/icon to show who I am. Still working on this and I am not a computer techie. Sorry. Blessings, d

    1. Hello Deanna, so glad you came for a visit today. I'm not a computer techie either, so good luck!! ☺♥

  5. So wonderful you and Mr. D found each other at an early age and have had such a wonderful life together, and a beautiful family!! God works out His plan and will in each of our lives in different ways, but when we listen to His voice, we can't go wrong. I hope you have a wonderful week.

  6. I love how you and Mr. D discovered one another and just 'knew'! Both professionally and personally I've floundered and fallen. God willing, I'm right where I want to be for the rest of my days.

  7. I love that you didn't have a plan. I didn't really either. It was fun just to live life and see what happens. I feel like that was ok when I was young. Loved your answers! Have a nice week. ♥

  8. It always gives me a good feeling when people meet the right partner and have a happy life. I don't mean an uneventful life, as life throws things at people, but you both had someone to share and beat the problems together.
    Congrats with that!


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