Monday, January 15, 2024

Monday Coffee Talk

Matt and Kaylea, Hazel and Henry's mom and dad, sold their home after only 2 weeks on the market, understandingly so, it's a beautiful home.  I just learned they have already found their new home and all is looking good for them.

Tammy came for a visit on Saturday, she always brightens our day.  We talk about anything and everything, and we laugh . . . sometimes we frown.  All depends on what's going on in our little part of the world.  

January Trivia:

First President to Fly Overseas
1943 World War II: Franklin D. Roosevelt travels from Miami to Morocco to meet with Winston Churchill, becoming the first American president to travel overseas by airplane

 1559 Elizabeth I crowned Queen of England in Westminster Abbey Elizabeth I was Queen of England of the House of Tudor and was known as the "Virgin Queen." She was the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, and was the third of Henry's children to take the throne in the years after his death.


The big freeze is here and it's COLD.  We're snuggled in with all we need, so no reason for us to get out until this passes.  It will only be a few days, we'll probably have the A/C on by the end of the week.  I'm just praying we don't lose power, without it we have no heat and I have no oxygen.  I do have a portable unit that will last for a few hours.

God Loves Older Women

This month marks the 9th GLOWversary of our group.  A lot of 'life' has happened over the past few years and we're not meeting as often as we used to.  Plans are being made for us to come together on the 27th and celebrate a great 9 years.  Eventho GLOW is only 9 years old, we have been friends for 35+ years.  Just old friends meeting up again in our retirement years.

This is an older picture taken at our 5 year GLOWversary.  I know I've shared this picture in the past, it's one of my favorites of the group.  A great bunch of ladies.
Around the table, left to right, Sandy, Me, Pat, Mary, Linda Arlene, Zephra (Sister Zee)

GLOWer Arlene made this cake for our 3 year GlOWversary!

  1. Perfect submission, all is at rest,
    I in my Savior am happy and blest,
    Watching and waiting, looking above,
    Filled with His goodness, lost in His love.

Until Next Time


  1. It's very cold here too and the North of England is forecast to have heavy snow. Stay safe and warm.

    1. Same to you, these winter months are just too cold these days. ☺♥

  2. No heat and no oxygen would be a serious problem. Hopefully you don't lose power.

  3. I love that - GLOW...God Loves Older Women! What a fun name and a sweet group of friends! I hope you enjoy your upcoming time together. Stay snug and be careful with these super cold days!!

    1. Not planning on leaving the house, staying in and staying warm. ☺♥

  4. Congrats on the upcoming celebration of GLOW! I love what that stands for. I also love that song you quoted. Stay warm!

    1. Hi Cathy! We are staying in and staying warm. Thanks for visiting today.

  5. Congrats to Matt and Kaylea on the quick sale of their home! I hope and pray I/we won't ever have to move again; not so sure I could take the stress.
    Our Bible study group got back together again this morning -- but we don't have such a cute, catchy name. Maybe y'all could copyright that!

    1. We love our name♥ We didn't set out to have a 'name' for our group, somehow it just happened. I hope I never have to move again too, the last one just about did me in. :)

  6. Praying you don't lose power for any length of time whatsoever!! We are expecting some cold weather here Wed. and Thursday mostly. But not as cold as you guys I guess. I love your GLOW group! So happy you have been together for 9 years! (plus all the years of friendship before that!) That is a real blessing. Also, congrats to the kids for selling their home so quickly and already finding another one! Praying for a "smooth move". LOL. So wonderful your daughter could come visit for a spell. I can imagine you enjoyed every minute of that!! You are blessed to have your daughters nearby. I am thankful for our sons and our one daughter in law being close by too. It is a real comfort and blessing to us in our "old age". LOL. Have a blessed and wonderful rest of your week. Praying all goes well with the weather.

  7. I really like your group's name!! You will have to celebrate big for your 10th anniversary!! I enjoyed visiting with you here, Mary!! Hope the weather improves soon and that you don't lose power!!

  8. Where I live there is a program for people on oxygen, etc where you register with EMS, the police, and the utility company so if the power goes out those people get first priority/emergency generator, etc. Hoping you have one too, just in case!

  9. Hi Mary! It's cold here in S.E. Texas!! I hope you're warm and cozy this morning. And congratulations on GLOW's anniversary! What a blessing these days, to have a group that stays committed. That's definitely something to celebrate :)

  10. Such a lovely group to be a part of for so long and I love the name. So appropriate. I'm glad you have this group of friends.
    We're still way below zero here too. We're leaving tomorrow for our cruise and driving to Texas. Hopefully the roads will all be okay along the way. It's supposed to get down to -18F again on Friday night with a few other below zero nights too, just not that bad. I worry about the pipes freezing while were gone, but we've done everything we can.
    I hope you warm up very soon too.
    Blessings and hugs,

  11. Oh goodness! Sounds like you need a power backup source battery charger!
    They sell them on Amazon...all different prices. I'm in Central Texas and wouldn't be without one.


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