Monday, May 20, 2024

Monday Coffee Talk

 It's Coffee Time

or a Cup of Tea!

I sure was busy last week.  Thursday I had a visit with my PCP that went really well.  Just a wellness check and my first visit with him since I broke my hip.  He's a great guy/doctor, he gave me a pep talk that lifted my spirits.

Friday I had an appointment with my surgeon, and I'm very pleased to say I am healing well.  He said I could put full weight on my leg, just keep using the walker and stay with home PT and OT.  I see him again in 6 weeks and hopefully be released.

This has been a very hard journey and has left me paranoid that I may fall again.  I know that over time that will pass but for now I'll keep on the walker and keep my wheelchair close at hand.

Today I'm off to the hospital to have a Dopler ran on my leg to be sure there are no blood clots as my feet are still swelling.  I still can't wear my shoes and have gone to my appointments in house shoes!

Saturday I felt like a could tackle the step down to the back porch, so Mr D and I enjoyed our afternoon coffee outside

.  It was great to be in my swing and to be able to enjoy the few flowers we have this year.

Thanking the Good Lord every day for walking with me as I am recovering.  He is so faithful.

Here I am on the porch, first time in close to 2 months.  It was great.

Until Next Time


  1. That's all very good news. I'm so glad to hear that you're healing well and that you are able to be outside more now too. Is the recovery process the same as for a hip replacement? I have several friends that have had that done and I know it's no picnic, that's for sure. A good friend has had both hips and a knee replaced. The doctor wan't to do the other knee but she's not sure she wants to go through the recovery process again.
    Praying for you to soon be strong and well.

    1. Thank you Betsy. I have been told that the recovery with a fracture is longer than a hip replacement. I've also been told the knee is much more painful. I don't know about that because the pain I had was so severe. Thanks for visiting today☺♥

  2. It's good to see you sitting outside!

  3. I love the sweet picture of you on the porch Mary. So glad you are getting stronger and better.

  4. What a blessing, having a doctor who cares enough to encourage! You look so happy there on the porch; I hope those times happen more frequently as you regain strength ... and courage, too. Lifting prayers!

  5. So happy to see your smiling face while you are enjoying some "porch time". I know you needed it, and I am so glad you are making such good progress! One step at a time, literally...steady as she goes, so they say. So thankful God has been with you and your doctors all the way. Praise God!

  6. My friend, Wilma, who had a nasty broken ankle, has started using a walking stick. She likes it so much better than a cane or walker, which tend to make you hunch over. The walking stick helps the posture and she finds it so much easier to navigate with it. She is a very young 80. Might be something you could try out when you become more comfortable!! I'm glad you are making such good progress, Mary!! God is good!!

    1. That's a great idea, I'm going to check that out. Thanks Terri♥

  7. Good news and a rare thing today a doctor who listens and cares. My biggest fear has been falling. I pray about it but sometime the things that happen to us are not what we would like! I will remember you in my prayers and hope you are healing well and getting along. It is good to get outside and see the sunshine. We've have lots of rain so it is a beautiful sight to see. Take care


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