Monday, August 19, 2024

Monday Coffee Talk


8:45 am and already 85* outside.  My A/C is struggling to keep up, we've set the thermostat a few degrees higher in hope that will help.  Where is Fall?  I'm waiting, Here in Texas it will be October before cooler weather arrives, hopefully the evenings and mornings will start cooling down by late September.  I am so ready.

We're several months away and yet I'm seeing "pumpkin" making an appearance.  Look what's new for this year!

Pumpkin Spice Latte M&M's!  I will certainly give them a try.

Why did the skeleton do a poor job in school on Monday?




His heart wasn’t in it!

Our own Family Circus . . .

I love this picture, just another day in the life of a precious family..  I've labeled it, "Howling Henry!"

We had roof damage from Hurrican Beryl and after taking several bids Mr D has decided which roofing company to use.  Worrisome to me, it will be 4 to 6 weeks before they can put the new roof on.  It's not severely damaged and if we don't have another storm between now and then we'll be okay.  All the roofers are very busy right now, and so it goes in my part of the world.

God is very much interested in our life’s daily activities as he has good plans for us.

Rusty is back with us and he has cooked up some fabulous meals.  There's no rhyme or reason to his cooking, he just gets out a big pot and starts dumping in whatever he can find in the pantry and fridge.
A few nights ago he added pinto beans and corn to the pot, some onions and a packet on taco seasoning.  He let that cook a little while, then added mushrooms and 

Chappell Hill Pork/Venison Smoked Sausage

Served over rice with cornbread on the side.

And as an afterthought, he added shrimp!  It was so good, and eventho it wasn't made with a roux I still called it Texas Gumbo.

What is large on Sunday and Saturday, small on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and disappears on Monday?

The letter S.

Miss Merica was all ready for her first day of first grade!

She loves to pose for the camera!

This Weeks Devotion:

Blessings to All

Until Next Time



  1. That "Texas Gumbo" looks delicious and Merica is adorable!

  2. Merica is old enough for school? Where has the time gone?
    I hope it doesn't take too long before the roofers have time to fix the damage on your roof.
    Howling Henry is hilarious!!
    Have a great week ( keep cool if you can).

    1. She started first grade this year and will soon be 7 years old. It has been a "too fast" 7 years! Have a great day. ☺♥

  3. Praying for no major storms before (or after!) your roof is fixed! I think we've had enough storms already for one year!! And I agree with you regarding the temperatures. We are a lot like fall until late September early October, if we are blessed enough to get it then! We had a couple of early mornings last week with temps at 68-70 ish, and that was wonderful, but it didn't last very long. That Texas Gumbo looks good!! Is Rusty living with you and doing the cooking now? That sounds wonderful! I love it when our young folks can come in and take over! LOL. Yesterday Scott came and grilled burgers and hot dogs, and they were SO good! Howling Henry...poor baby! Just not his day I guess! LOL. I remember those days. That's why God gives babies to the young!! LOL. Have a blessed rest of your week. I enjoyed your post from start to finish.

    1. Rusty will probably be with us a while. Sounds like Scott cooked a good meal for your family too! I also love it when the young folks come and cook! lol

  4. That Howling Henry pix is too cute for words! Like something you'd see on America's Funniest.
    If Rusty grows bored, would you please send him our way? He can cook that deliciousness for us anytime!

    1. I have laughed at that picture so much, so typical of a young family.

  5. Love the family picture!!! :).
    Sorry to hear about your roof. Hope it gets fixed sooner than expected.

    1. Thank you, I sure hope so too. Have a great day ☺♥

  6. I think Blogger 'ate' my earlier comment, but just wanted to add, "Howling Henry" just made my whole day! That family image is sooo funny!

  7. Texas Gumbo!! Sounds delicious! I love cooking like that! One pan and just keep adding things! Yum. Sorry you are having to wait so long for the roof repair but making the decision of who will do it is a good first step. Have a blessed week ahead, Mary!

    1. Thanks Terri, hope you have a blessed week too☺♥

  8. What a worry having roof problems. We rarely have hurricanes in UK, and it must be terrifying to know one is coming. Hope they manage to do your repairs as quickly as possible.

  9. Lolololol....Howling Henry...omgoodness, how funny...
    Merica is adorable...


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